Age-Friendly Town Hall Talks: Shared Housing, Part 3
Monday, April 24, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m., Free
The Village of Arlington Heights is an AARP Age Friendly City; the Commission promotes information about Housing, Transportation and Communication. The book, Sharing Housing, a Guidebook for Finding and Keeping Good Housemates by Annamarie Pluhar will be discussed by Kathy Motto. Copies of this book are available to borrow and return at the Senior Center Front Desk. *Please specify if you would like to attend in person or virtually. Zoom link will be sent one day prior.
Evening Concert with The Des Plaines Harmonaires
Wednesday, May 3, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Fee: $2
Enjoy a Spring concert with songs from Hollywood and Broadway by The Harmonaires, a women's choral group who has been performing on the North Shore for over forty years. Some songs featured will be Lullaby of Broadway, Signing in the Rain, Impossible Dream, and They Can't Take That Away from Me.
Starting from Seed
Saturday, May 6, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., Fee: $2
Starting from seed is a fun and rewarding experience. For both the novice gardener and the "green thumb", this session presented by Glenn Grosch, a noted horticulturist, will cover the "how to" of starting from seed indoors. Included will be discussion on what can be started from seed, seed selection, containers, planting mix selection, planting, watering, lighting, and pest management. A "fun" session that will increase your "luck" in starting from seed. Lots of time for questions.