April 20, 2023

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Nicor Gas Meter Relocation Program

Nicor Gas is working to move all natural gas meters currently located inside homes and businesses to the outside to enhance customer convenience and to enable safer and more rapid access to our facilities for maintenance and repair.

Arbor Day & Tree Planting Ceremony

The Village of Arlington Heights and the Arlington Heights Park District invite residents to attend an Arbor Day Celebration and tree planting, Friday, April 28th, at Hasbrook Park, 333 W. Maude Ave. The event begins at 9:30 a.m. with refreshments and the program begins at 10 a.m.

2023 Construction Projects & Interactive Map

The Village of Arlington Heights will be making significant improvements to roads and infrastructure in 2023. To provide updates to residents, updates will be shared on project pages, as they become available. 

New Swing into Spring Event: May 20th

Residents are invited to join the Village's Special Events Commission for Swing into Spring, a new family-friendly event, on Saturday, May 20th, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at North School Park.

Community Bike Ride: May 20th

The Arlington Heights Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission invites residents and community members to sign up for the Village's Community Bike Ride event, on Eastman Street at North School Park on May 20th, with sign-in at 9:45 a.m., and the bike ride beginning at 10:15 a.m. 

Sounds of Summer Sponsorship Opportunities

Join the Village of Arlington Heights as a highly visible Sponsor of this year's Sounds of Summer Concert Series! Our Gold Record and Silver Record sponsorship opportunities are designed to help you increase the visibility of your business and expand opportunities to connect with the community through event promotions and engagement. Learn more at www.vah.com/sponsorship.

Arlington Heights Senior Center

The Village's Senior Center offers a wide variety of activities, programs, and events for community members aged 55 and older.

Call 847-253-5532 to register for Senior Center Programs and Classes.

Find classes and register online at MyActiveCenter.com.

Age-Friendly Town Hall Talks: Shared Housing, Part 3


Monday, April 24, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m., Free

The Village of Arlington Heights is an AARP Age Friendly City; the Commission promotes information about Housing, Transportation and Communication. The book, Sharing Housing, a Guidebook for Finding and Keeping Good Housemates by Annamarie Pluhar will be discussed by Kathy Motto. Copies of this book are available to borrow and return at the Senior Center Front Desk. *Please specify if you would like to attend in person or virtually. Zoom link will be sent one day prior.


Evening Concert with The Des Plaines Harmonaires

Wednesday, May 3, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Fee: $2

Enjoy a Spring concert with songs from Hollywood and Broadway by The Harmonaires, a women's choral group who has been performing on the North Shore for over forty years. Some songs featured will be Lullaby of Broadway, Signing in the Rain, Impossible Dream, and They Can't Take That Away from Me.

Starting from Seed

Saturday, May 6, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., Fee: $2

Starting from seed is a fun and rewarding experience.  For both the novice gardener and the "green thumb", this session presented by Glenn Grosch, a noted horticulturist, will cover the "how to" of starting from seed indoors. Included will be discussion on what can be started from seed, seed selection, containers, planting mix selection, planting, watering, lighting, and pest management. A "fun" session that will increase your "luck" in starting from seed. Lots of time for questions.

Village of Arlington Heights

Featured Pictures

At the Village Board Meeting on Monday, April 17th, Mary Beth Canty and John Scaletta were honored for their service on the Village Board, and were presented with proclamations recognizing their public service.

Mary Beth Canty (left) served as Trustee of the Village Board for four years and was recognized for her diversity of thought and ability to find common ground, while she worked to ensure that all perspectives were heard in public policy discussions.

John Scaletta (right) served as Trustee of the Village Board for 11 years and was recognized for his more than 20 years of service to the Village, during which he used his business acumen to help ensure that the Village operates in a cost-effective and fiscally responsible manner.

See the video of the presentations.

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The Village is seeking qualified applicants to apply for a variety of positions.

  • Building & Life Safety Temporary Intern
  • Building & Property Inspector
  • Certified & Entry Level Police Officer
  • Director of Human Resources
  • Firefighter Recruitment
  • Human Resources Intern
  • Management Analyst II
  • Planning & Community Development Summer Intern
  • Public Works Seasonal Interns (10+)
  • Purchasing Coordinator

See job descriptions and apply on the Village's careers page today!

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Upcoming Events

  • 5/1: Village Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Village Board Room at Village Hall

  • 5/8: Committee of the Whole, 7 p.m., Village Board Room at Village Hall

  • 5/15: Village Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Village Board Room at Village Hall

  • 5/20: Community Bike Ride, Eastman Street at North School Park, 9:45 a.m. sign-in and registration, 10:15 a.m. ride begins

  • 5/20: Swing into Spring, North School Park, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

See the Village's full calendar for updates


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