Dear Coleen,

We are happy to share the news from SVA.

Student receives her first marking period report card

The 2023-2024 school year started as always with a warm and enthusiastic welcome of the student body and faculty including 13 new teachers. Ending the first quarter of the academic year, we are confident that the teaching/learning dynamic is enriched by good teaching, interesting project experiences, the excitement surrounding the new science labs and the anticipated joy in using them. (The certificate of occupancy is being held up due to previously unknown elevator issues. We did pass the final inspection on September 28th and were told we would receive the CO in a couple of days. That never happened.)

Sister Noreen receiving her honorary plaque that is now hanging in the Neary Lab.

We are happy to see the resurgence of our drama and music programs and the new focus on athletics which began with the hiring of a new basketball coach. We thank Ms. Sleboda for her generosity in filling in as coach.

An alumna, Aaliyah Rivera ‘20, serves as our drama coach. Aaliyah graduated from The American Academy of Dramatic Arts with a major in acting. Aaliyah has chosen to share her talents/knowledge with her SVA sisters. We are moved by her spirit of generosity.

The Promise Scholars, now enrolled in the ninth, tenth and eleventh grade, set a standard for engagement in the learning process to which all our students can aspire.

All our Promise Scholar Students

These days we are awaiting with unique excitement the ninth grade traditional Thanksgiving assembly which sends us off each year with full hearts and proud spirits.

As a school community, we thank God for so many blessings, especially for SVA’s friendship with you.  May God continue to grace you with a deep sense of His love and care for you and yours.

Sister June Favata, SC

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