July 20, 2021
So Said Saint Vincent

I pray that His Divine Goodness
may accompany you,
be your consolation along the way,
your shade against the heat of the sun, your shelter in rain and cold,
your soft bed in your weariness,
your strength in your toil and, finally,
that He may bring you back
in perfect health and filled with good works.

— St. Vincent de Paul, I: 65
Vincentian Insights from the Province
Fr. Michael Carroll, CM

A Shelter or a Way Out
of Homelessness?
I was reminded of [St. Vincent's] philosophy when I read Robert Davis’s reflection in Invisible People on the difference between an “intervention approach” to homelessness compared to a “shelter approach.” Read the post HERE.
Fr. John Freund, CM

Lawyer? Vincentian?
Vincentian Lawyers!!

Can you imagine a person who is a lawyer with a Vincentian heart? Then you have a Vincentian lawyer. It may seem strange to put those two concepts together. Read or listen to the post HERE.
Fr. Pat Griffin, CM

A Vincentian View:
Joseph 2.0
All of us have probably seen a representation of that statue that sits on
the desk of Pope Francis—the sleeping Joseph. Read the post HERE.
Fr. Tom McKenna, CM

In the Boat
(Mark 4:35-41)  
When Mark speaks to this endangered flock, it’s no surprise that he includes a pair of Jesus’ hope-filled parables, lessons on how things grow. Read the post HERE.
Special VinSight

Separating Justice from Jargon

Fr. Dennis Holtschneider, CM

A not-so-simple question about critical race theory plumbs the depths of our DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) work.
Read more HERE.
Vincentian Vocations
Conversations with Eastern Province Internal Seminarians (Novices)

Internal Seminarians Juan Carlos Perez and Vy Nguyen (pictured) sat down with The Calling to talk about following St. Vincent, living in community, and life inside Internal Seminary. Check out these 30-second videos HERE.
North American
Vincentian Family Gathering 2021
Atlanta, GA, October 22 - 24
Centered on the theme, "Racial Equity: A Call to Love as Christ Loves," the gathering features liturgy, speakers, and dialogue. Learn more and register HERE.
Preserving History:
Original Cornerstone of
St. John’s University Secured
The stones, inscribed with the words: “Erected 1869,” “College of St. John the Baptist,” and “Lewis Avenue,” are artifacts from a July 25, 1869, cornerstone-laying ceremony for what would become St. John’s University. Learn more about it HERE.
Niagara University will break ground next month on an $11.5 million upgrade to the Kiernan Recreation Center. Project construction began in July 2021, and the renovation is expected to be completed for the fall 2022 semester. Read more HERE.
As mental illness rises in Nigeria, Daughters of Charity offer treatment, shelter
On a hot afternoon in September 2014, Imaobong Effiong was picked up from the streets of this southeastern town by a sister of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, who provide mental health support for impoverished and some indigenous men and women in southern Nigeria. Read more HERE.
Iran expels Italian Daughter of Charity who served 26 years at leprosarium
The Iranian government refused to renew the visa of Sister Giuseppina Berti and asked her to leave the West Asian country, Vatican News reported on June 11.Sister Berti, a member of the Congregation of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, worked in the leprosarium of Tabriz, the most populous city in northwestern Iran. Read more HERE.
SUPPORT the Work of the Vincentians
The Vincentian Priests and Brothers of the Eastern Province serve those on the margins in areas often forgotten by the world.

This includes pastoring the poorest of parishes, prison ministry, addiction recovery, immigrant and migrant services, and much more.
A monthly series that asks five random questions to an Eastern Province Priest or Brother.

This month, we talk with Fr. Timothy Lyons, CM, who serves in Philadelphia, PA.

Read Fr. Lyon's answers HERE.
From the Vincentian Representative at the United Nations

Jim Claffey writes about the the U.N.'s Sustainable Development Goal #13, Climate Action.
To read the post in English, click HERE.
To read the post in Spanish, click HERE
Fr. Rooney's most popular Vincentian Minute video from the past month is titled,

A Vincentian Minute - 3 Things Each 6 - Elizabeth Ann Seton

To watch the short video, click the image above or click HERE.
That's Very Vincentian
Very Vincentian Poem
By Sister Madeline Kavanagh, DC


To shift from providing for
to walking with
brings to light
that I am lame and
reminds my companions
we are the same.
Sister Madeline Kavanagh, DC (Daughter of Charity), is an educator, social minister, prison minister, missionary, parish minister, and Hispanic minister. She has served in Massachusetts, Bolivia, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, South Carolina, the Cook Islands, and Mississippi. Today, Sister lives and serves in Durant, Miss., where she serves at the local correctional facility.
Comic by Fr. Al Pehrsson, CM
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Questions or Comments?

Please send your questions or comments about Vincentian Voices to its editor, Christopher Grosso, at cgrosso@cammonline.org.