The Vines Community Association Newsletter

The Vines

Issue #130, January 23, 2023

Board News

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Board Meeting

The next Board meeting will be held Monday, January 30 at 1:00 p.m. at Estero Country Club and via Zoom. The Zoom link will be emailed to you the Friday before by Pegasus.

Topics for discussion will include:

Special assessment to cover Ian cleanup and repair costs

Options for repairing or replacing the entry wall and perimeter hedge.

The Vines CA News

Stop Sign at the Railroad Tracks

Based upon input from the Rail to Trail Committee and a review of our easement with the railroad it was decided that the stop sign must stay. We ask that all residents obey the sign and come to a complete stop.

Non Resident Barcode Reminder

Non-resident barcodes will expire on December 1, but may be renewed anytime after November 1. To renew your barcode please present your driver's license plus vehicle registration along with a check in the amount of $50 payable to Vine Community Association to security at the main gate. Security will verify ECC membership using a list provided by the ECC. Barcodes are issued between 8 and 2 Monday through Saturday.

Review Your Insurance for Loss Assessment

Did you know that your Homeowner's Insurance may reimburse you for storm damaged expenses assessed by your Homeowners or Condo association? Condo policies in Florida are required provide a minimum of $2,000 of coverage with a maximum deductible of $250. Most Homeowner's policies have coverage as well. Check your policy for the amount of your Loss Assessment Coverage. This coverage can be increased for a small sum to cover future Loss Assessments.

Have You Noticed Something Amiss?

If you see something that needs to be addressed; a light that is out, the fountain isn't functioning, a tree has died, or any other maintenance issue that needs attention, please send an email to Be sure to include the community name and specifics such as the nearest house number. Pegasus will contact the appropriate vendor. If you contact a Board member first they must then forward your issue to Pegasus, delaying response time.

Exterior Paint Color Palette

In an effort to keep The Vines looking fresh and current, the ARC worked with Sherwin Williams to develop a color palette for home exteriors on Vintage Trace. This palette offers modern neutrals replacing the heavy Tuscan golds and browns and pastel pink, blue and green. Each palette offers a body color, 2 trim and 2 front door choices. Additional shades of white are listed in the introductions letter. For more details please select the links below or the Documents page on the VCA website.

Please note that an ARC form and prior approval also be obtained before painting begins! Failure to do so could result in a fine.

Color Palette Introduction
Color Palette for Single Family Homes

Stay Safe on Our Roads!

If you are driving, slow down and obey the 23 mph speed limit.

When you come through the gates, stop and look both ways.

If you are driving a golf cart, use turn signals and lights from dusk til dawn.

If you are walking, walk against traffic. At night were light colors or reflective clothing and carry a light.

And, please be extra cautious when passing parked vehicles!

Estero News

ECCL Rebranded as Engage Estero

The ECCL has seen its mission evolve over the years and has changed it name and tag line and logo to reflect this evolution. The new name is Engage Estero with the tag line Inform, Engage, Impact.

To learn more about Engage Estero and its mission and its impact on the development of Estero click on the link below.

Visit Engage Estero Website

Important Contacts


Village of Estero

Your Councilmember is

Jon McClain


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Non-emergency police:


Hurricane hotline:



The Vines Community Association is managed by:

Pegasus Property Mgt.,

8840 Terrene Ct.

Bonita Springs, FL 34135


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