The Vines Community Association Newsletter

The Vines

Issue #127 October 26, 2022

Board News

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Board Meeting

The next Board meeting will be held Monday, October 31st at 1:00 p.m. at Estero Country Club in the Oak Room and via Zoom. The Zoom link will be emailed to you the Friday before by Pegasus.

The Vines CA News

Rail to Trail Update

The joint VCA/ECC Rail to Trail Committee has met on several occasions to discuss how best to represent our interests. Beth Wardlaw, Tom Rubbelke and Tony Petersen each spoke at the Estero Council meeting on October 19th to outline our opposition to the proposed route through our community and golf course.

The committee is exploring a variety of ways to effectively protect the peace and security of our community. We are looking for community volunteers with environmental and civil engineering experience to advise the committee. If you can help, please contact Bruce Ackerman.

All Vines residents and Estero Country Club members are encouraged to attend the VCA/ECC Rail to Trail information meeting on November 7th at 4 p.m. in the dining room of Estero Country Club. The Committee will be presenting information regarding the status of the trail development as well as the steps the committee has taken to provide consistent and effective opposition to the proposed route through The Vines.

Non Resident Barcode Reminder

Non-resident barcodes will expire on December 1, but may be renewed anytime after November 1. To renew your barcode please present your driver's license plus vehicle registration along with a check in the amount of $50 payable to Vine Community Association to security at the main gate. Security will verify ECC membership using a list provided by the ECC. Barcodes are issued between 8 and 2 Monday through Saturday.

Ian Cleanup

The Village removed the debris piles last week and will do so again in a few weeks.  Most of the loose debris had been collected and consolidated in the cut-de-sacs.  

Nearly every tree on the property sustained some damage and will need to be trimmed. This will begin next week and continue for several weeks. Please be careful and watch for lift trucks and landscape crews in the roadway.

The hedge around the perimeter sustained substantial damage. A preliminary assessment of the sections that can be saved has been made.

The clusia on the East side was blown over but has been staked up and is expected to make a full recovery. These shrubs are still young and the soil mostly sand, with age their root structure will be better able to withstand hurricane force winds.  

Most of the ficus hedge will need replacement.  The ficus sections along the East side of Vintage Trace, the section from the main gate southward to the first turn and sections under the trees east of the clubhouse are not salvageable.  These will be replaced as soon as material and labor are available, an immense task that will take several months.    

The remaining hedge sections will be reduced in height by 30 to 40 percent to facilitate recovery. 

In addition to the damage to the hedge,  the fence behind the hedge was crushed by falling trees and in some places blown over.  Work is being done to remove all the debris so an assessment of the damage and repairs can be made.

Pegasus has been searching for a company to repair the wall to the north of the main gate but as yet has received no quotes. 

Please be patient, recovery will take time.

Estero News


Get Involved Beyond Our Gates

The ECCL is a non-partisan, non-political, volunteer civic advocacy organization working at a grassroots level to serve as the "Voice of the People" and advocate for positive change in the Village of Estero. 

To learn more about ECCL click on the link below.

Visit ECCL Website

Important Contacts


Village of Estero

Your Councilmember is

Jon McClain


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Non-emergency police:


Hurricane hotline:



The Vines Community Association is managed by:

Pegasus Property Mgt.,

8840 Terrene Ct.

Bonita Springs, FL 34135


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