Outskirts Dispatch: Breaking news from Backstreets
Backstreets #91
Our online news is just the tip of the Backstreets iceberg.
For 36 years, Backstreets Magazine has been providing in-depth Springsteen features and analysis on the printed page. You can subscribe to Backstreets Magazine, our full-color, glossy mag and labor of love, publishing since 1980.

New subscriptions start with Backstreets #91, our enormous Clarence Clemons tribute issue pictured above. Subscribing now will guarantee you a copy.

If you're reading these words, we know you'll dig the magazine, created by Springsteen fans, for Springsteen fans, and we've got a money-back guarantee to back it up.
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Here at Backstreet Records, we're packing and shipping all sorts of Springsteen boxes and bundles out for the holidays.

Over in Italy, our friends at Wall of Sound Gallery are packing and shipping Frank Stefanko's new beast of a book -- and if you ordered Further Up the Road through us, you should be receiving a 13-pound package from Italy in the next week or two (if not already).

One more guy working to get cool Springsteen stuff in the hands of fans this holiday season is photographer Jim Shive, with new prints of some never-before-seen images and some specials just for Backstreet readers. If you're looking for something pretty you can hang up on your wall, read on...

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From photographer Jim Shive: Backstreets specials & the 1977 Collection

Every year at this festive time, rock photographer Jim Shive -- a  contributor to Backstreets since the '80s -- digs deep into his vast archive of rock 'n' roll images for some special prints of Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band.
For starters, this year he's tapped three of his most popular images to offer prints to Backstreets readers only at entry-level prices. The trio includes the 1974 shot above, a bearded Bruce with the Big Man; and the striking spotlight photo up top, from 5/27/78 at the Spectrum in Philly (you may have seen this one as the cover of Lawrence Kirsch's The Light in Darkness). All three are 10"x14" open editions, at just $200 each. Click here to view or order the three Backstreets Special Editions.

Also, to commemorate the recently released recordings of Bruce's phenomenal shows in Albany and Rochester, NY, Jim is offering the perfect companions to those soundtracks in an extensive selection of prints called  "The 1977 Collection."  Jim captured these images of Bruce and the E Street Band during the same stretch of shows in March 1977; 40 years later, he revisited his seemingly bottomless vault of negatives and slides to resurrect and carefully restore them -- both color and B&W images that have never been seen before or offered to the public until now.

Order Jim's prints directly through shivearchive.com.

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Jim will be working to get orders shipped out by Christmas, and here at Backstreet Records we're doing the same.

For at least a few days more, we can guarantee pre-Christmas delivery to anywhere in the U.S., until further notice -- the deadline will probably be the middle of next week. (Of course we always do our best for customers outside the U.S., too -- it just gets hard to guarantee, given the whims of overseas delivery.)

Visit the Backstreet Records shop for new T-shirts, 2018 Springsteen calendars, vinyl, CDs, books and more -- a one-stop shop for your favorite Springsteen fan, and a great way to support Backstreets.com.
Chris Phillips