-October 2020-
Chevrolet Trivia
What was the first year that wire wheels were standard equipment on light duty Chevrolet trucks? 
Look for the answer at the bottom of this newsletter
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Owner: Bill & Chrys Hulshof   
Where do you live?
Albany, OR
Vehicle: 1984 GMC Super Sierra 1/2 Ton Pickup

 How long have you owned this vehicle? 
26 Years. Was my company vehicle before that
Where did you get this vehicle? Bought it from the company
What is the story behind the vehicle? I knew the salesman that sold it new. He worked with my dad At Densmoor Chevrolet and both left when the business was sold. At one point it belonged to a classmate of mine. It became my company vehicle and was used to transport records and files for the bank until I got a 1 ton van. I purchased the truck for $1,500.

What condition was it in when you got it? I kept it in great shape while using it for the company.

What kind of work have you done to this vehicle? New upholstery, paint, and now a new engine as the old 305 was getting tired and was having trouble handling the camper.

What was the hardest part to find? Fixing the nut behind the wheel
What other vehicles do you own? 1951 Bel-Air, 2016 Honda
Do you have any other projects that you are currently working on or planning to start soon? Helping Mike Rice on his 1928.

Do you have any advice for people thinking about starting a restoration? Take it slow.
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Chevrolet Trivia Answer
Chevrolet first offered wire wheels as standard equipment on light duty trucks in 1932. The wheel was 18" as was used in passenger cars in that year.

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The Vintage Chevrolet Club of America is a great car club. Founded in 1961 VCCA has over 8,000 members in the USA and overseas dedicated to the restoration of Chevrolet cars and trucks. They have a world-class monthly magazine and a hugely helpful chat site: VCCA Chat. They also have a Facebook page that is very active! You can also check out the club website at