The magazine for all vintage camper trailer
collectors, restorers, admirers and dreamers.
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Give Yourself or Your Favorite Trailerite A Gift That Gives All Year

Send your favorite trailerite a gift subscription for Christmas! We will mail the November/December issue first class ASAP. Beginning in January they will receive five more issues every other month. You can also get caught up with back issues of the magazine if you have missed some.

More Information on How To Order
Christmas Cards For
Vintage Trailerites

Vintage Camper Trailer Christmas Cards show a snow-covered scene with two vintage trailers being decorated for Christmas. These Christmas Campers in their classic RV caravans light up the night with a beautiful Christmas Tree. This “Pano-rama” of a campground meadow at Christmastime will stir the imagination of every RV lover. A magical and frosty Christmas campground.

More Information on How to Order Christmas Cards
Unique products for RV, tailgating, camping and outdoor enthusiasts...
Made In the USA tee-shirts

We have these in 100% cotton tees and women's v-necks. The image is made with a "discharge agent" that removes the manufacturer dye in the shirt. Once  the dye has been removed, the logo is "in" the fabric. The image can not be "felt" as it is a permanent part of the fabric.

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