Violent crime rates are up 41% around the valley and don't look to be coming back down any time soon. January 2021 recorded 6,992 crime incidents in Las Vegas, NV.
Criminals are more emboldened than ever. Safety, security, protection, precaution and prevention should be on the forefront of all of our concerns.

SCG provides organizations with a dedicated Security Risk Manager who are board certified in Security Management.
The chances of becoming a victim of a violent crime or a property crime in Las Vegas is 1 in 30, based on the FBI crime data, making Las Vegas a dangerous community in America.

According to an Emergency Management and Safety survey, 9 out of 10 small businesses do not have a dedicated security or risk manager. One single act of violence could result in the loss of life, years of legal litigation, harm to brand and monetary compensation which could total millions of dollars.

Does your organization...

  • Make the employees feel safe?
  • Understand the 5 types of Workplace Violence?
  • Have a plan to mitigate each type of Workplace Violence?
  • Maintain good access control?
  • Have proper perimeter security?
  • Have proper lighting?
  • Follow CPTED guidance?
  • Have a “see something, say something” procedure?
  • Validate and audit third party security guard vendors?
  • Conduct regular Active Shooter Training?
  • Perform regular Risk and Vulnerability assessments?
  • Understand organizational Legal Liabilities?

If you answered NO to any of the previous questions, contact Security Concepts Group today. Our Organizational Security Management packages start at only $99/month.

Below is the Las Vegas crime summary for last week.
One thing is certain, there needs to be an understanding that the possibility for harder and more challenging times may lay ahead. Once you recognize that the possibility exists then you should ask “Am I prepared?" 

Security Concepts Group is here to help.
We offer a variety of services to help with organizational security needs:

We offer Active Shooter/Workplace Violence training designed to help individuals and organizations Prepare for, Respond to, and Recover from an active shooter or workplace violence event.

We also have training designed to help organizational management understand their role in preparedness. We help explain legal liabilities, programs needed and the policies and procedures required to mitigate an event from occurring.

Follow the link to find out more.
SCG provides organizations with a dedicated Risk Manager, Board Certified in Security Management ASIS International CPP to identify and close security gaps and vulnerabilities. 
Our assessment and analysis methods not only find the gaps, but they also test the current Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that should be in place.

Whether you have a Security Dept. in place or are looking to outsource, we are here to help.

Follow the link to find out if your organization is prepared.
View ALL of our Security Services
Our Books
(based on our training)
Our Active Shooter Workplace Violence Preparedness for Organizational Management book helps explain liabilities, programs policies and procedures connected to Active Shooters and or Workplace Violence.
Our P.A.C.E. Active Shooter Workplace Violence Preparedness explains our technique of Prepare, Act, Care and Evacuation philosophy. This explains at the individual level what considerations are needed during each phase.
$24.99 Each