I'm Running for Congress to "Save America"

Christian Conservative
Bob Good lost my support when he attacked Trump and disrespected his constituents. I am answering the call from folks all across the district. We can do better than Good!

Viral Trump Store Video/ Bad Week for Bob Good
Thank you Karen Anglo for standing strong in this video.

Take Aways:

A sitting Congressman:

a. Got kicked out of a Trump store by MAGA patriots, here's why.

b. The Congressman was told on the phone the night before by the owner he was not welcome, and he said I'm coming anyway. This is an example of Bob not respecting his constituents or their property rights.

c. After getting kicked out, the Congressman stood on the sidewalk out front of the Trump store for four hours with his paid staff telling MAGA supporters not to enter the Trump store.

d. The Congressman's staffer called the police to try to silence their free speech and stir up a ruckus.

e. This may sound unbelievable, but the viral video was taking by Bob Goods team and posted by them on FB.

f. Bob cannot be trusted and said on live national TV he says one thing about Trump in public and a different thing about Trump in private. Click here.
Lynchburg TV Link
Proud to have @mtgreenee’s endorsement in my campaign against Never Trump MAGA Traitor Bob Good.
Related Links

Ramona Christian: Volunteer Coordinator Trump Campaign
If you would like to volunteer, make phone calls, and help with the Trump campaign efforts in Virginia and Nationally please contact Ramona Christian, the Buckingham County GOP Chair, at [email protected] or 434-391-4546. 
Don't Forget to Vote Trump
Don't forget early voting for Trump ends soon so GO VOTE! Find specific info about your polling place here.
I'm running for Congress because the enemy isn't at the gate -- the enemy is THROUGH the gate and in our communities. Open borders, fentanyl, lawlessness, out of control spending, and more. Our country is in big trouble. I am running to represent the people of the 5th Congressional District because I am a conservative with a record of building teams to solve problems. We can do better than Good.

I've been all over the district and I can tell you the 5th Congressional District loves Trump and the America First Agenda! 

I invite you and your friends to join me in this cause. Take care, please spread the word and I look forward to seeing you around the district!
For God and Country,

Senator John McGuire
Soli Deo Gloria
Jesus is my Savior
Navy SEAL 
Pro-Life (Speech)
Pro-Gun (Speech)
Pro-Israel (Speech)
American Legion Member
VFW (Life Member)
NRA (Life Member)
Highest Award for Conservatism (ACU/ CPAC)
Family Foundation 100
VCDL 100 (Life Member) 
The Spirit of Virginia

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