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Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Virginia Daily Education News is a daily update (Monday through Friday) of education news throughout Virginia. Links are created to various media outlets throughout the state. Click the underlined headlines to view the articles.


RRMM Architects is a proud supporter of the Virginia School Boards Association.

RRMM Architects is committed to our mission of creating great places to live, work, play and learn. For over 30 years, we have considered it a privilege to successfully serve school systems across the Commonwealth, providing award-winning learning environments for children, educators and the community.

Interim Halifax County superintendent announces retirement on July 1

Interim superintendent Valdivia Hall announced Tuesday morning her pending retirement effective July 1. Halifax County School Board accepted her retirement when they met Monday evening. Hall has spent her 45-year career with Halifax County Public Schools starting as a teacher at Scottsburg Elementary School and is now stepping away after being appointed as the interim superintendent in December.

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Stafford schools superintendent delivers 'first 100 days' report

New Stafford County Public Schools Superintendent Thomas Taylor has identified successes and opportunities for improvement during his first 100 days on the job. Taylor, who began his tenure as superintendent Dec. 1, delivered his "first 100 days" report to the School Board at its meeting Tuesday.

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Stuarts Draft Elementary instructional aide nominated for national education award

STUARTS DRAFT - It's a joy more than a job for Jill Williams every day that she walks into Stuarts Draft Elementary School. It was 2009 that Williams was first hired at the school, beginning as a substitute teacher when one of her children began kindergarten.

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Virginia Beach School Board member wants to create Recovery High School for teens struggling with addiction

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - It's an epidemic plaguing our state as too many people are dying from drug overdoses. Experts say some teens start to experiment with deadly drugs in high school, which can lead to substance abuse problems.

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New school in Bristol, Virginia one step closer to reality

BRISTOL, Va--The Bristol, Virginia planning commission unanimously approved plans for a new intermediate school in Bristol, Virginia. The commission met at 11:00 a. m. on Wednesday. Planning Commissioner Jacob Holmes said he voted yes with no hesitation. "Studies have shown that students do better in facilities that are up to date, our students deserve that," he said.

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Virginia elementary school first in the country to offer American Sign Language as dual immersion program

One elementary school in Central Virginia is leading the nation in language instruction.

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LCPS holds series of town hall meetings about upcoming strategic plan

Loudoun County Public Schools held a series of town hall meetings this week seeking comments from parents, teachers and other interested parties on the school district's upcoming strategic plan. Some tensions flared Tuesday during the meeting held in Ashburn's Stone Bridge High School, as some recommendations made by those in attendance represented beliefs from opposite sides of the political divide.

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Students with disabilities have a right to qualified teachers - but there's a shortage

At the beginning of the school year, when Becky Ashcraft attended an open house at her 12-year-old daughter's school, she was surprised to find there was no teacher in her daughter's classroom - just a teacher's aid. "They're like, 'Oh, well, she doesn't have a teacher right now.

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Report: Fewer students leaves Lynchburg with too many schools

Sinking enrollment is creating an education dilemma for Lynchburg City Schools, leaving schools too empty. "Your school division is declining enrollment but it’s not your fault. That’s the other thing I perceive, people say you aren’t doing a good job and that’s a reason people are leaving.

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Madison High School Robotics Team Headed To World Competition

VIENNA, VA - FIRST Robotics Competition Team 620, a Madison High School robotics team, will compete on an international level after its first-ever first place district championship. The team, also known as the Warbots, competes in the FIRST robotics competition every year.

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Don't miss these upcoming VSBA Events

2022 School Law Conference, June 3, 2022

Designed to provide an update on basic principles of school law and emerging issues, this conference is vital to school board members, superintendents, and school board attorneys. It is held annually during the first week of June.

Virtual School: The New Normal Webinar, May 3, 2022

Beginning the 21-22 school year, seventeen rural school divisions in southwest Virginia teamed up to provide a virtual learning opportunity for students.

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