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Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Virginia Daily Education News is a daily update (Monday through Friday) of education news throughout Virginia. Links are created to various media outlets throughout the state. Click the underlined headlines to view the articles.


RRMM Architects is a proud supporter of the Virginia School Boards Association.

RRMM Architects is committed to our mission of creating great places to live, work, play and learn. For over 30 years, we have considered it a privilege to successfully serve school systems across the Commonwealth, providing award-winning learning environments for children, educators and the community.

Loudoun County school board votes to guarantee employee free speech rights

The Loudoun County, Virginia school board voted Tuesday to revise their professional conduct policy to explicitly address the First Amendment rights of employees. The revised policy follows an Aug.

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County School Board Will Not Host Meetings In Schools

After rowdy attendees refused to don face masks at the Rockingham County School Board's two meetings in August, a change of venue seems to have solved the problem. Due to a mandate by Gov. Ralph Northam, anyone who enters a school building must wear a face mask, at least for the foreseeable future while the delta variant of COVID-19 surges.

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ACPD, APS Work on New Agreement As 'Youth Outreach Unit' Replaces SROs

Arlington Public Schools and the Arlington County Police Department are hashing out their new working relationship following the School Board's decision to remove School Resource Officers from school grounds. Rather than place officers in school buildings, ACPD has formed an off-site Youth Outrea

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Chesterfield schools still have at least 100 bus driver vacancies; longtime driver dies of COVID-19

"I loved the job, I loved getting up and going out at 5 a.m. and getting to know the children and the school administrators, but that has all changed. In the past two to three years it has changed drastically to the point that I still love driving and I love my kids, but I dread waking up in the morning to drive," York-Sartain said.

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Spotsylvania weighs allowing school resource officers to help enforce 'safety' policies

Janet Hodges, director of school safety, told the School Board Monday that the memorandum between the school division and the Sheriff's Office that is currently in effect was approved in 2019. School Board attorney Jennifer Parrish said she and Hodges developed the new draft memorandum based on the model document with "numerous changes to make it fit with Spotsylvania County schools."

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Charlottesville school division provides more details for free COVID testing program

As the Charlottesville area experi ences a surge in COVID-19 cases, city school division officials want to start testing groups of students. However, that program won't start until the Virginia Department of Health finalizes contracts with outside contractors to do the test. That's expected to happen by next month.

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Danville Public Schools will host a vaccination clinic in October

DANVILLE, Va. (WFXR) - Danville Public Schools and Piedmont Access to Health Services (PATHS) are teaming up to provide more opportunities for people to get vaccinated. There will be a COVID-19 vaccine clinic for anyone ages 12 and up at the George Washington High School auditorium.

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Fredericksburg schools to require students playing sports to be vaccinated

Fredericksburg City Public Schools will require that all student-athletes be vaccinated for COVID-19 by Nov. 8. Deputy Superintendent Matthew Eberhardt announced the school division's decision at the City School Board meeting Monday. "The largest numbers of quarantines have come from exposure to a positive COVID-19 case involved with sports," Eberhardt said.

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Return to virtual learning not an option for parents of Martinsville students

With COVID-19 cases on the rise in the West Piedmont Health District, parents who might want to reconsider their decisions to send their children into classrooms at Martinsville Public Schools probably won't have that option anytime soon.

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Virginia Beach School Board adopts transgender policy

The board adopted the policy in a 7-3 vote Tuesday night. VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - After deciding to postpone the vote on the transgender policy, the Virginia Beach School Board has finally made a decision. During a meeting Tuesday night, the school board voted to adopt the policy in a 7-3 vote.

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Staffing shortage has Bedford County schools stretching to fill gaps

Businesses across the Commonwealth are facing an unprecedented staffing shortage. That shortage is impacting Central Virginia schools as well. Bedford County Public Schools Superintendent Mark Bergin says there are about 25 vacancies within the district, including teachers, assistants, custodians and nutritional workers. He says just as concerning is the low number of registered substitute teachers.

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Pulaski Public Schools makes changes to avoid parents arriving early for pickup

PULASKI, Va. (WDBJ) - Pulaski County Public Schools is evaluating procedures for parents to pick up their children from schools, and already has a plan in place at one school. Because of some parents arriving two to three hours early to pick up their children, the parent pickup entrance to Pulaski Elementary School will be closed to the public from 8:30 a.m.-2:45 p.m.

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Don't miss these upcoming VSBA Events

2021 VSBA Annual Convention, November 17-19, 2021

We are back in person for the VSBA Annual Convention! This convention is the largest and most anticipated VSBA meeting of the year. This event brings together over one thousand school board members, superintendents, and school division staff from across Virginia. We are...

2021 VSBA Budget Training Workshop, October 21, 2021

The Basics of Budgeting for Equity is a two-hour session designed to provide school board members and division superintendents with a general understanding of the essential elements of budgeting and allocating division resources in a strategically-focused manner that aligns with and...


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