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Howdy Albert,

It's good to see you again. Thanks, if you wrote me thanking me for doing this - that was a sweet surprise! As I wrote earlier this week, this series was partially inspired by Robert Hubbell's newsletter, Today's Edition. Subscribe if you want a great dose of inspiration and encouragement 5x a week.

Here's a song by a group called Furnace Mountain on Spotify - Dreaming of Virginia. Really sweet!

btw, if you're seeking good news, TokyoSand puts out a newsletter that has a weekly segment of Good News. He's also been talking about Virginia a lot in the last couple of weeks :)

I hope you've enjoyed today's musical choices. I'm already ready for part 3 but will give everyone a chance to listen to these first. If you have things to add to my next missive, please write me back.

Thanks! Albert

Action: Facebook makes it simple to find out whom you know in Virginia. In about 5 minutes you can figure out who that is and reach out to them to encourage them to vote. Learn how to do this, here. Thanks!

How to find your friends who live in Virginia to contact them

Make a list of people who live in Virginia, then create an event called "Vote". Encourage :) Here's how this works.

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The First Round of this effort: Virginia Songs Volume 1

I was reminded about the importance of the upcoming election in Virginia from reading Robert Hubbell's excellent newsletter, Today's Edition. I start my day reading Robert's summary of what's going on in our nation's politics. He's a big fan of action and not giving up. Here's volume 1 of this effort to get Virginians voting!

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Thanks for reading and listening. Consider taking some action to remind and encourage Virginians to vote in their election. It matters. A lot.

PS - No more Handshakes :)

Photo by Zen Achilles

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