Howdy Albert,
It's good to see you again. Thanks, if you wrote me thanking me for doing this - that was a sweet surprise! As I wrote earlier this week, this series was partially inspired by Robert Hubbell's newsletter, Today's Edition. Subscribe if you want a great dose of inspiration and encouragement 5x a week.
Here's a song by a group called Furnace Mountain on Spotify - Dreaming of Virginia. Really sweet!
btw, if you're seeking good news, TokyoSand puts out a newsletter that has a weekly segment of Good News. He's also been talking about Virginia a lot in the last couple of weeks :)
I hope you've enjoyed today's musical choices. I'm already ready for part 3 but will give everyone a chance to listen to these first. If you have things to add to my next missive, please write me back.
Thanks! Albert