Morningside Chats in 
the Living Room
 Virtual Support EVERY Weekend!

You did what you knew how to, then: Now that you
know better, you can do better! .......... Maya Angelou

We are aware that we are in a pivotal moment in history. We want to take this time to state our commitment to support equality for each human to be able to stand strong in their bodies and to pursue their best lives without judgement or limitations based on color, size, gender or ethnicity. We stand strong in the commitment that all beings may feel safe and valued here with us and in the world. 

  This week's topics: 
Acceptance and Commitment
Click for this week's....  


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 Choose Recovery 

Morningside Chats in the Living Room
                         Hosted by Sondra Kronberg
every Saturday on Zoom!
This week: August 22nd (11 am EST)
 Carolyn Costin
In Memory of Lynn Grefe, Past CEO of NEDA

Newsletter Staffing:
Jessica Jaeger, MS, RD, CDN - Head of Production 
Elise Gold, MS, RD, CDN - Content Director
Gerarda McDougall, LCSW-R - Content Development
Emma Philbin, BS - Project Manager
Emma Glynn,  BS - Project Manager 
Julia Leask, BA - Project Manager
Irene Schlagman - Editor

Wishing you and your loved ones the best of health. 
Breathe and stay in each moment
 with love and care for yourself. 
The Chats in the Living Room Team
Produced by Eating Disorder Treatment Collaborative / F.E.E.D. Wellness Program