Middletown UMC's

October Resources
Welcome to October!
Our main verse this month is John 15.1-12.

Our memory verse is John 15.5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
Craft Corner

Get Outside!

Make one leaf with the memory verse and then add colorful leaves from outside to a piece of yarn hanging down.
Challenge Activity

1. With parent’s permission, cut off a branch from a bush and leave the branch next to the bush.  Note what happens to the cut off branch over the month and what happens to the branches not cut off.
2.   Make a paper link chain with about 5-10 links in it.  Write the names of people that you are closely connected to: parents, sister, brother, teacher, neighbors, etc.  Take a selfie with your paper link chain and send the pic to each person.  Then call them and talk with them about the paper link chain and John 15.1-12.
3.  Explain to a parent or your mentor why Jesus is the vine and how he helps you be the branch.
Sing With Us!
Join Us on Facebook!

To support and spread the fun we have created a private Facebook group: 'Virtual Children's Ministry.'

This group can be found off of the church's Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/mumcnj/groups/. You should have already received an invitation to join the group but if you have not please click on the button below and then request to join the group.

Through this group we hope to post updates and enable the children to see and share their own pictures. This will be a great place to share our own experiences from the virtual children's ministry.