Presented by Sonoma County Farm Bureau
Mark Your Calendars for May 21, 2020
Mark Your Calendars
& RSVP Today!

Join us for a virtual workshop on Thursday, May 21 from 8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. to learn about fire fuel and vegetation management from experts in the field.

Gain information about prudent strategies for property management and minimizing risk of impact by wildfire. 

Cost: $25 to gain online access to the virtual workshop

Registration: Click here
Due to the COVID-19 Shelter in Place Order, Sonoma County Farm Bureau will host this virtual event as a speaker only, live video forum. Each speaker will present for approximately 30 minutes on topics including the history of wildfires in Sonoma County, vegetation management strategies, proactive tree care, insurance coverage necessary to be prepared for a wildfire, and what to do on your property in a post-fire scenario.

At the conclusion of speaker presentations, there will be a moderated question and answer portion so attendees can get their questions answered by each respective professional.

We hope you will join us for this informative virtual seminar to help keep you up to date on how to care for your property and contribute to our County's fire resilience.

Workshop Outline:

Cyndi Foreman- Sonoma County Fire . Cyndi will discuss the history of wildfires in Sonoma County including historic fire paths and vegetation management strategies shown to be effective.

Fred Frey- Vintage Tree Care . Fred will discuss the importance of proactive tree care plans for property safety and fuel reduction while maintaining the health and well being of your trees.

Rachel Adams and Jared Goble- George Petersen Insurance Agency. They will cover how to evaluate insurance coverage for your property or business to be best prepared in the event of a wildfire. Rachel will discuss lessons learned from the recent wildfires, and strategies to navigate through a risk-averse insurance marketplace. Jared will provide information about the importance of an Emergency Action Plan for Agricultural Operations and about how to develop and implement one.

Gordon Mann and Denice Britton- Registered Consulting Arborists California Tree and Landscape Consulting, Inc. (CalTLC) . These experts will discuss tree management tips for pre and post fire safety and viability. They will also cover how to determine which trees to retain or remove in a post fire scenario.