Local Leaders. Global Impact.

AI in Today's

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
12:15 1:00 p.m. EDT
Virtual Forum

 A recent study found that 60% of U.S. companies expect to be using AI or advanced automation to support efficiency in operations, staffing, budgeting or performance by 2022 (Genesys). For many of us, the current "work from home" experience has escalated the need for AI to assist with everyday tasks.

As AI tools and bots continue to become more commonplace at work, it is more important than ever that these machines and humans work together to accomplish our objectives.

On April 15, take a break from work and join our 45-minute forum with technology experts as we explore how AI is being used to refine business processes—from deeper customer insight to driving employee productivity—as well as inform and keep workspaces secure.

Guest Speakers

Brian Cesca
Senior Director, East Region, IRONSCALES

Uwe Hohgrawe, PhD
Faculty Director Analytics & Enterprise Intelligence
Professor of the Practice
College of Professional Studies
Northeastern University