Virtual Learning Opportunities
Open to GNJMA Members

Dear Members:

Our National Association friends are hosting virtual learning opportunities this month, and they have asked to share with our Members. ABA has scheduled a webinar tomorrow to discuss the CERTS application process and UMA scheduled their Sales Summit from July 13-15th. Get details and registration information on both below.
ABA's CERTS Grant Application Webinar
July 7th 3:00 PM EST
Have you been struggling with your CERTS grant application? Have you had to go back and amend your original application because of the PPP listing change? Wondering how others are doing with the application process?
Join ABA and your colleagues on July 7 at 3 p.m. ET, as they discuss how to complete the application and address changes or clarifications to the application, and share operator experiences with filling out the application.
If you need to amend your application, you need to contact Treasury at either CERTS@treasury.gov or call the helpdesk at 877-398-5862 and request to open your application.
The Treasury has updated its FAQs to address issues/questions that have been raised since the portal opened.
Virtual UMA Sales Summit
July 13-15th Noon-3:00 PM EST
July 13-15 your team can benefit from the premier industry online professional sales and leadership training event designed to help your company build, broaden and maintain its sales pipeline.
The UMA Bus & Motorcoach Industry Sales Summit will run from noon to 3:00 PM (EST) for three days and feature topics and speakers that will teach, motivate and equip attendees to master sales and gain a competitive edge for their companies.
Keynote Speaker: The keynote speaker for the event is business growth expert Meridith Powell, a top professional speaker who will kick off the event on Tuesday, July 13 with a focus on Sales Redefined: Engage, Connect, and Thrive in Uncertain Times.
Who should attend:
  • Sales professionals
  • Marketing professionals
  • Owners/Managers
  • Anyone who assists with your company's sales process
  • For smaller companies, everyone who answers the phone could benefit from this training.
It's time to make a bold move to REBOUND.
With a leaner staff, everyone is a salesperson. Make sure your team has the professional training that will help them to succeed in building profitable sales for your company.
Thank you,
Patricia Cowley
Executive Director
Telephone: 908-750-4538
Website: www.gnjma.com
Contact: Pattie Cowley, Executive Director | Greater New Jersey Motorcoach Association 
908-750-4538 | pcowley@gnjma.com | www.gnjma.com