Your Weekly eNewsletter 6.5.20
June 10, 9:00 - 11:00 am
To schedule an appointment, CALL: 1-802-318-4169
Vermont Legal Aid is hosting a virtual legal advice clinic by phone for free legal assistance to Vermont seniors, aged 60 and up, to answer your legal questions about COVID-19. How will the stimulus check affect your benefits or housing? Do you qualify for the expanded unemployment coverage? Are you experiencing a civil legal problem not related to COVID? Give us a call and book your free 20-minute appointment.
Leave your name and number, and the best time to return your call so we can call you back to give you your appointment time. The phone number above is just for the legal advice clinic. If you have an immediate legal problem, call our general phone number and ask for help: 1-800-889-2047
Sponsored by your local Area Agencies on Aging
Stuck at Home Guides: Easy Online Games
Online games are a huge help staying entertained during a quarantine, but they can do more than just divert you. As we age, playing certain games can help us cognitively…and according to
, might even improve our mood and sense of well-being. Learn more about free online games
Lets Paint Tulips together
with ArtisTree!
Join Finnie in a Zoom room
Wednesday June, 10, 1:30 pm
Finnie Trimpi will guide you through a simple tulip still life. Set up your supplies and paint along or just join us for company and conversation. Visit our
materials needed.
Join Zoom Meeting (click link to join):
Meeting ID
: 839 8109 8378
: tulip
BINGO at HOME with The Thompson
Friday mornings at 10:00 am
No technology needed.
Use your phone to call in and join.
Fun prizes for winners!
For a BINGO card and the call-in number,
contact The Thompson, 457-3277.
Tai Chi Class through Zoom
All Zoom classes will continue in May
Tai Chi Instructor, Anne Bower, has organized a schedule of online Tai Chi classes offered through Zoom, a FREE wireless screen sharing app. The following is a list of classes which can also be found on our website with live links to access the online classes.
Fall Prevention Tai Chi, Mondays, 10-11am
Sun 73 forms Tai Chi, Wednesdays,11-12
Yang 24 Forms Tai Chi, Fridays, 10-11am
Introduction to Tai Chi, Saturdays, 11-12pm
For more information, email Anne at: or visit her website at
Bone Builders Update
Bone Builders Instructor, Althea Derstine, is encouraging her students to keep exercising and to borrow weights from The Thompson Center during closure. Please call The Thompson staff who will be happy to put your requested weights outside on the front porch for pick-up.
Strength, Stretch & Stability
Zoom Exercise Class
Led by Liz Hatfield, Certified Fitness Trainer
Tuesday & Thursday, 10:30 am - 11:30 am
Motion is Lotion! Now is the time to focus on ourselves. We must stay positive and strong. In the short term, exercise can help the immune system find and deal with pathogens, and in the long term, regular exercise slows down changes that happen to the immune system with aging, therefore reducing the risk of infection.
Join this class, move your body and feel physically, mentally and emotionally better.
Suggested Equipment:
- Dumbbells, Soup Cans (14oz is approx. 1lb), Bag of Beans or Rice (1lb) or Filled Water Bottles
- Two Paper plates, Rags or Furniture Gliders/Coaster (NOT RUBBER)
- 12 Plastic cups (e.g. "Solo" cups) - 6 Red & 6 Blue - Linda Grant has left 10 sets at The Thompson in a bag if you would like to pick them up.
For information on how to join the Zoom classes, contact Liz directly
Need Help with Online Meeting Programs? COVE is offering help!
If you are feeling unsure of how to connect to Zoom, WebEx or other online platforms, COVE can help. We will set up a time to do a 1-on-1 call with you to help you navigate the system and learn how to connect. Online meeting platforms can be intimidating, and knowing how to do what and when can overwhelm any of us. Please reach out and we will set up a time to do a walk through and trial run on the system you are trying to use. Stay Connected! To set up a 1-on-1, email
or call (802) 595-9872.
Thank you Williamson Group Sotheby's international Realty
Meals on Wheels sponsor for Monday, June 1st
Call the day before to order take-out & pick-up from your car between 12:00 - 12:30 pm
Do you or someone you care for need a wheelchair or other medical equipment, help with taxes or applying for Medicare, caregiver referrals, help with odd jobs around the house, have transportation needs? Just ask us!
Click here for more information
Woodstock, Bridgewater, Pomfret & Barnard Emergency Operations Guidance to COVID-19
Woodstock Emergency Management
at 802-457-7516.
Emergency Manager - David Green
Bridgewater Emergency Management Team:
Selectboard Chair - Lynne Bertram: 802-342-0784
Town Health Officer - Ellen Quinn: 802-281-0615
Emergency Management Coordinator - Josh Maxham:
Barnard Emergency Management Team:
Contingencies and updates will be concentrated on the Barnard town website:
Selecboard Chair - Rock Webster: 802-234-9391
Town Health Officer - Tom Morse: 802-356-3576
Emergency Management Coordinator - Mike Manning: 802-234-5263
Pomfret Emergency Management Team:
Emergency Management Director - Kevin Rice: 802-356-7643
Town Health Officer - Hugh Hermann MD: 802-457-1200 office,
802-457-1300 home
See more specifics on grocery shopping on page 3.
For state information & resources dial 2-1-1
For online information visit
Woodstock Area Relief Fund
The Woodstock Area Relief Fund provides immediate and timely financial assistance to residents of the greater Woodstock area who are unable to meet their basic household needs due to the economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 crisis.
Vermont Supplemental Food Programs
Vermont Foodbank
is taking all measures possible to ensure we can be there to help people access food during this challenging time. If you or someone you know is in need of help getting food, they can help. The following list will help you access food and programs that best fit your needs:
– Has your household lost pay? 3SquaresVT is here for you and your family. You could be eligible to receive a 3SquaresVT benefit or increase the benefit you already receive. We can help you apply. Visit our 3SquaresVT page, email, call 1-855-855-6181 or text VFBSNAP to 85511
– The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is a federal nutrition program which offers free monthly nutrition information and nutritious foods to income-eligible older adults.
The next VeggieVanGo at Woodstock Union Highschool parking lot will be on
June 4, 9:15am – 10:15am
. Please stay in your cars and follow directions from parking lot volunteers.
Find a food shelf
– The Vermont Foodbank partners with 215 food shelves, meal sites, senior centers, homeless shelters and out of school programs across the state. Find a site close to you through our food shelf listings.
Woodstock Community Food Shelf
hours are Monday 4-6 pm, Wednesday 1-3 pm, and Saturday 10-12 pm. 802-457-1185. All are welcome.
For more information visit or call 1-800-585-2265 , Email:
Carla Kamel and the Community Health Team
Community Care Coordinator, Carla Kamel, is available for support in navigating resources and services and discussing community-based services. Carla wants our readers to know that she is available at the Ottauquechee Health Center (OHC) for a health and social wellness phone visit at 457-5414 or at, even if it’s a five-minute phone conversation.
Ottauquechee Health Foundation (OHF)
OHF will continue to offer financial assistance for health and wellness needs through grants to those living in any of their nine service towns which include Woodstock, Barnard, Bridgewater, and Pomfret. If you or someone you know is experiencing financial stress in light of COVID-19 or other health reasons, please contact OHF. They will continue to serve the community by being available via email at or by calling 457-4188, Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm. Applications for financial assistance can be found on their website at or by calling The Thompson Center.
The Thompson Center | 802.457.3277 |