Weekly Newsletter
June 13th, 2022
Hello !

Happy June! We hope you had a good weekend. Join us for great classes this week.

Every week this newsletter will share a highlight of the coming week's classes, updates from the VSC staff, and more. Plus, celebrate birthdays happening each week!

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Classes This Week
All Class Times Listed in EST.
Pot Pourri
Art: Making meaning from Materials w/Sharon (formerly of Guggenheim Museum)
Monday 6/13 at 3pm
Take Video guided tour of Kyer Farm & Bloomfield Botanicals w/Mike W. 
Tuesday 6/14 at 2pm
War of 1812: Causes & Impacts w/Kionah (NY Historical Society)
Thursday 6/16 at 11am
Women Leaders: Gwen Ifill w/Maegan
Thursday 6/16 at 8pm
Paper Crafts: Gift boxes w/Tyler F. 
Sunday 6/19 at 2pm
Did You Know: Post-Class Surveys
Comments: We often share the positive comments (and only those!) with the Facilitators. Your honest feedback helps us with content for the program. “It made my day to see this”, “it made me smile”, etc. It’s great to tell the Facilitators in the class as well but in an email they can “keep” it. If something goes wrong in the class or could be improved, please let us know. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Ratings: Rating a class by clicking the stars is a great thank you to the volunteers who lead classes AND helps the VSC team with programming to provide classes you enjoy. Please click after every class – it’s takes seconds and brings joy that lasts longer!
Happy Birthday!
This week we're celebrating
9 birthdays
Wishing you a special day and a great year ahead.

Maggie B. (6/14)
Malaku D. (6/14)
Adela D. (6/16)
Gyda S. (6/16)
Daniel T. (6/17)
Judith B. (6/18)
Roger B. (6/19)
Thelma B. (6/19)
Joanne S. (6/19)
Have a Great Week!
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Have questions or ideas/feedback for content in this Newsletter?

Email Sara at [email protected]
Virtual Senior Center