Virtual Special Council Meeting
- Summary-

March 25, 2020 -- A Virtual Special Council meeting of the Village of Palmetto Bay was held on Monday night, March 23, 2020. Because of the current coronavirus (COVID-19) social distancing precautions, the meeting was conducted via teleconference. Those in attendance included Mayor Karyn Cunningham, Interim Village Manager Greg Truitt, Village Attorney John Dellagloria, Vice-Mayor John Dubois, and Councilmembers Patrick Fiore, David Singer and Marsha Matson. The meeting was live streamed on Facebook and broadcast on the Village website. A video recording of the meeting can be found here.

Two items were on the agenda: the first, an emergency resolution that called for all Palmetto Bay restaurants and prepared food establishments that offer take out or delivery service to require all staff, including food preparers to wear protective masks over the nose and mouth to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The resolution further authorized code enforcement and law enforcement officers to issue closure orders for violators.

After hearing from the public on the matter via email and full Council discussion, members voted unanimously on an amended resolution that calls for the RECOMMENDATION of protective material including scarves, bandannas and homemade facial masks to be worn by food preparers and staff in Palmetto Bay prepared food establishments to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Council removed the section that called for the closure of non-compliant establishments. 

The second and final item on the agenda was an emergency resolution calling for an Executive Order prohibiting short-term vacation rentals in the Village of Palmetto Bay. Council voted that there should be no new short-term reservations accepted in the Village with a list of eligible exceptions including:

·       Health care providers
·       First responders
·       National Guard members
·       Law enforcement personnel
·       State or federal government employees
·       Patient’s families
·       Others responding to COVID-19
·       Persons who must vacate their homes due to exigent circumstances such as flood
·       Persons sheltering in hotels due to domestic violence
·       Individuals who for any reason are unable to reside in their homes

Official resolutions as amended are forthcoming and will be available via our website,  
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