A community meeting will be held to discuss the proposed development of the Firecreek Crossing Resort and Casino. 

The ±19.92 acre project site is located on the northwest corner of the intersection of South Virginia Street and Keitzke Lane. The site has a zoning designation of Mixed-Use Urban (MU) with a Gaming Overlay 1 (G1) and a Master Plan land use designation of Suburban Mixed-Use (SMU). The project requires a conformance review by the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Commission (RPC) for a Project of Regional Significance (PRS) pursuant to Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 278.0278. 

A request has been made for a conditional use permit for: 1) the establishment of a hotel with non-restricted gaming operations, and; 2) grading resulting in fills greater than ten feet in height.

Community Meeting Information 
6:00 pm, Thursday January 12, 2023 

In the meantime, if you would like to send comments for the Planning Commission, please use the Planning Commission’s public comment portal at https://bit.ly/DS-public-comment