
Student News & Voices
Find news that affects engineering, engineering tech, and engineering ed  students, what they're up to, and what they have to say...in their own words.

Courtesy UC Berkeley
Courtesy UC Berkeley 
Student Helpers: The COVID-19 Student Service Corps is an initiative from Columbia University that enables students to help medical centers in the pandemic crisis. Engineering students are well suited to help with their creative minds and skills. They provided a toolkit for starting a chapter at other universities.
 Download it here.  
Masked Defenders: Paige Balcom is a Ph.D. student in mechanical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley  who loves Uganda and its people. She's not only found a way to sustainably recycle plastic waste in the country, but also turn that recycled plastic into face shields for medical workers on the front lines of COVID-19. Read more here.

BONUS: Resource 19, an open-source project from Berkeley's engineering school, collects PPE and ventilator designs and connects makers and engineers with medical providers who need help.  Find it here.

HBCU Rescue: Historically black colleges and universities and other minority-serving institutions are likely to be hardest hit by COVID-19 closures, even with bailout funds. Why? The Washington Post reports. Read more here. 

Academic & Professional Development Resources
Tips on navigating politics, from classroom to office.

Study from Home: Some people thrive in the world of online learning; other people lose it. If you're in the latter group, here are tips to organize yourself into enjoying your virtual studies.  Read more here.

Video Interview Resources: Graduating seniors are likely freaking out right now going into this job market. Yes, it's scary, but some people are still hiring! Here are some tips for interviewing from home to give you a leg up in the hiring process. Find them here.
Real-time Resource: The Real Time Curriculum Project is a National Geographic Education initiative to collect and distribute learning resources for current events, contribute to discussions, and integrate them into the classroom at every level. It includes math, science, and engineering resources, just in time for at-home learning.   Explore it here. 

Distancing Demo: Social distancing can seem arbitrary, but the Myth Busters show how contamination works using infrared lights and an invisible nasal dispenser, and why it's important to keep our distance.

Social Skills Support:  Engineers are stereotypically bad at socializing . It affects more than just party life--good communication skills help in jobs and academia as well. Why not use the quarantine to brush up on your social skills?   Read more here. 

Registering for the conference will allow you to:
  • See any presentation made by any author, distinguished lectures, or plenaries 24/7 during the week of the conference
  • Attend Q&A sessions where you can interact with the presenters
  • Attend workshops, business meetings, and the different orientations that usually happen at the annual meeting
  • Attend/participate in the recognition of our national award winners, our incoming fellows, and our outgoing and incoming board members
  • Participate in our interactive exhibit hall as well as sponsor/tech demos. There will be exclusive exhibit hall times to interact with sponsors and exhibitors.

Funding & Internships
Opportunity abounds!

This month's highlights:
ASEE Student Columnist: ASEE's award-winning Prism magazine seeks a new student columnist, as our excellent Alice Dai is graduating. If you have a passion for writing and strong opinions on the state of engineering education, please send a resume, cover letter, and 2-3 writing samples (preferably published) to Prism Associate Editor Jennifer Pocock at j.pocock@asee.org using subject line "Student Columnist Application." Deadline: May 18, 2020. Email application here. 

Hyundai Women in STEM: Hyundai is offering five $10,000 scholarships to women who are inventing the future today. They ask that you write an essay (500+ words) on what drives you to pursue a STEM career. This scholarship is open to high school seniors and undergraduate college students who identify as female. Deadline: June 30, 2020. Learn more here.

Asian-American Architects and Engineers Foundation: Each year, AAa/e Foundation offers scholarships to full-time students pursuing a career in the AEC Industry (architecture, engineering, construction, etc.), who have demonstrated a measurable level of involvement/ service to the Asian-Pacific Islander community, and are student members of AAa/e. There are different scholarships available for high schoolers, undergraduates, graduates, and a grant to pay off student loans, all in the amount of $5,000. Deadline: May 29, 2020. Learn more here.  

RGI Scholarship for Geospatial and Engineering USGIF Scholarship Program:  The United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation scholarship program and Reinventing Geospatial, Inc. (RGi) partnered in 2018 to offer this award. The $10,000 scholarship is awarded annually to one undergraduate student who has an interest in both the engineering and geospatial disciplines and also demonstrates financial need Deadline: May 15, 2020.  Learn more here. 

Videos & Entertainment
Because sometimes you just need a break!
Here's a mix of virus and non-virus related
content to pass the time.

Video: Marble Music - Wintergatan is a Swedish "folktronic" band with an engineering bent. Check out their marble-powered music machine for a soothing escape. Watch it here.

Video: Biomed Bypass -
 These are strange days, and creative workarounds for technical and medical solutions are flourishing. Find out how some intrepid biomedical engineers are deep mining data to fix ventilators on the fly. Watch it here.

BONUS: Join the iFixit community and help the project find and share hard-to-find hospital equipment repair manuals. Learn more here.

Video: Archimedes Tanked - Looking for a backyard project? Colin Furze is a British "shed inventor" who comes up with crazy contraptions. Check out his latest design for a tank driven by Archimedes screws (and find the tutorials for how to make it on his channel). Watch it here.

Video: Inside CERN - You can't travel during the pandemic, but here's a journey inside CERN, "the world's largest science experiment ."  Watch it here.

Podcast: CeMi Serious Science -  CeMi Serious Science is a brand-new bioengineering podcast where Styli and Lou--two bioengineering Ph.D. students--interview notable minds in the field.   Listen here .