Fall/Winter, 2014 - In This Issue:


You are invited to join us for a special evening presentation by Dr. Jacobi:
The Informal Visual Evaluation in the Classroom for Educators

Tuesday, January 13th, 7 PM
  • An honest Look at the Child's Visual Gross Motor Status
  • A Review of What Screenings Tell Us
  • What a Student's Posture Tell Us About Their Vision
  • What a Student's Work Tells About Their Visual Status
  • Easy Activities That Tell Us a Ton About Vision
  • Instructing Students to be Visually Aware

The goal of this presentation is to prepare educators with the ability to not only determine if vision is the contributor to student difficultly, but it will also help pinpoint which visual skills are deficient.


Wear comfortable clothes when you come, and expect to spend approximately an hour with us!


RSVP please by January 6, 2015 


To register, CLICK HERE

"Helping students to overcome their visual deficiencies is the first step to unlocking their potential. These are kids we can help to have bright futures, and I find that very rewarding."
- Dr. John Jacobi, O.D., F.C.O.V.D

Changing lives,
one student at a time.
An Interesting Perspective
In addition to being a Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrician for more than 27 year, Dr. Susan R. Johnson is a certified Waldorf teacher. Dr. Johnson has extensive experience in helping children with Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Asperger Syndrome, expressive and receptive language delays, and Attention Deficit Disorder. She also served for 7 years with the San Francisco Unified School District as their Physician Director at Golden Gate School Health Center evaluating hundreds of children, from preschool through 8th grade who were having challenges in behavior and learning at school.  Click here to get her perspective!
Continuing Research
It is important to understand that while our eyes take in visual information, that information is sent to the brain where it is processed. If the information that is sent to the brain is faulty, it can make learning very difficult. While learning disability websites list a variety of accommodations that can help children with Visual Information Processing Disorders, it is important for parents and educators to understand that these are signs that a correctable vision problem is playing a role in a child's learning challenges. Click here to read the research.
Testing How the Eyes Move When Reading
Have a child whose reading skills are below par? Bring in your child for a comprehensive eye exam on a Tuesday or Thursday during November or December 2014 to receive a Complimentary Readalyzer evaluation that show exactly now the eyes move while your child reads!
The Readalyzer consists of infrared sensors embedded in goggles that track eye position. Computerized results offer a profile into how accurately your child is reading and how it compares to peers.


Students are tested immediately prior to their comprehensive exam on Tuesday or Thursdays only in November and December. Most vision and medical insurances accepted so be sure to get your yearly eye exam benefit the year wraps up.

Suburban Eye Care, P.C.

Vision Therapy Center

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