Every Monday

Energy Share

with Heather

Every Monday

Energy Share & Exchange

With Heather

Come join us for our weekly energy share. This is a place where we support each other on our healing journey. No experience is required and any form of energy healing, such as Reiki, are welcome. During the first half we will discuss energy work. Afterwards, we practice on each other. 7:30 PM

$10 Drop-in

with Dr. Etricia Mills

Come join the fun as we plot our upcoming year. We can lose focus on our goals because they are in our head, and if there is nothing to remind us of them. A Treasure Map gives visual reminders of what we want. It offers us focus and direction. Bring any photos, magazines, catalogs or other items that will help you focus on what you want to bring in. We furnish poster board, glue and scissors & magazines. Bring photos if you like and any magazines or pictures to support your vision. Take home a beautiful, visual, collage of your hopes, dreams and plans for the New Year.
$20 + $5 materials. 2 - 4 PM
Please Pre-register so we may have adequate materials for everyone.
6th Sense
Have you ever had a deja vu experience? Do you sometimes know that the phone will ring and who it will be on the other end of the line? Are your dreams sometimes prophetic? Open up your own psychic gifts & start using your intuition TODAY! No Prior experience necessary. This group is always open to everyone.

Making a Wish Box
Join Tre as he guides us through the process of creating a Wish Box. This is a powerful process in which we write down our deepest heartfelt wishes, meditate on those wishes and see them as they are manifesting. Bring a box or you may purchase one in the store. (any box will do, it it has a special meaning to you, so much the better!)
$20 Drop-in 7:30 - 9:00 PM
We no longer offer Skype or Zoom
for this Group

January 2022
5 - Making a Wish Box
12 - Sensing the Aura
19 - Intro to Tarot
26 - Gods & Goddesses
Yoga On Sabbatical through December Restart
January 18
Law of Attraction
January 18


With Andrea Bagby

Everyone is born with an innate psychic ability. Whether or not you have experienced this gift consciously, you have it none the less. We will talk about the most recent scientific research about psychic abilities, practice sending and receiving messages, tuning into energy, remote viewing and seeing auras. Every class includes a deeper psychic level meditation and exchanging readings with other students. 7:30 - 9:30 PM 6 Weeks $210 Including Workbook 1 MYSTERY SCHOOL CREDIT
JANUARY 22 & 23



This weekend we combine all three levels of Reiki for an intensive course on energy healing. Andrea not only gives you all three attunements, but you learn the basicl of this ancient practice and how to carry it forward to the advanced energy transfer modalities. This intensive is geared to jump start your healing practice with the hands positions, remote healing methods and attunements to pass to others the Master Reiki certification. You learn to teach and empower your students as well as send healing energy to your clients. $375 Pre-registration required. 2 MYSTERY SCHOOL CREDITS


Valerie Que

Tarot cards hold the keys to the mysteries of life’s experience. Their symbology dates back hundreds of years. The many systems of Tarot and plethora of definitions can be daunting for the beginner or even advanced student, but Valerie has a simple, straight forward method that practically guarantees success. We will review the cards, layouts and methods of reading then have a practice session at the end of class in which students gain proficiency by reading for each other with instructor assistance. $210 including Workbook & Printed Materials. Deck Not Included. - 11 AM - 2 PM, 4 weeks Pre-registration Required. 1 MYSTERY SCHOOL CREDIT


John Henderson, DD, CI, CtNLP

The first 2 days are a stand-alone course with a certification from Atlantian Mystery Schools in which you will learn to hypnotize. The balance of 6 additional weeks comprises the National Guild of Hypnotists Certification Course. including training for use with clients for: Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss, Pain Relief, Sports Enhancement, and more. First 2 weeks 600 or $300 per session, which may be applied to the full course at any time. 10 AMS Credits

This initial 100 hour training gives the graduate the ability to apply for ordination under the Atlantian Mystery Schools 501 c3 foundation, the Atlantian Temple. Following ordination, the graduate is eligible to obtain a Doctorate in Divinity upon the completion of an additional 100 hours of training for a total of 22 AMS credits for both courses.

$2400. Early payment discounts. Payment Plans available.
Pre-registration Required.


With Andrea Bagby

200 hour training designed for all body types. Athletic ability not required. This is not your cookie cutter yoga instructor course. Connect on a mind, body & spirit level. Open hearts, mindfulness, and a passion for teaching is a must. Includes: 6 branches of yoga, an in depth look at the chakra system, how energy exchange works, connecting to your own intuition and much more. When you complete this class you will have the tools to run your own yoga program and have all 3 Reiki attunements. Meets 2 full weekend days Monthly 10 am-8 pm $2500 for the full course. Discounts for full payment in advance. 16.5 MYSTERY SCHOOL CREDITS

$350 Down Payment
$2350 Advanced Payment
If you have taken a course that you think qualifies, or if you are interested in enrolling, please contact us at
The Inner Space. 404-252-4540
Astro Forecast December January 3 - 9
TAs we enter the first full week of 2022, we have a new Moon. This would feel like a great way except for the Venus retrograde lol... The Moon is in Capricorn and sextile Neptung in the wee hours. As a lunar conjunction joins Venus, sleep is sweet. By mid day the Moon conjoins Pluto. Expect a power struggle or some form of manipulation. Tonight the Moon, now in Aquarius conjoins Mercury. This evening is apt to be filled with communication.
Tuesday morning the Moon is square Uranus just before lunchtime. It's tempting to throw in the towel and escape to a new adventure, but mid afternoon as the Moon conjoins Saturn, duty and responsibility beacon. The Moon is sextile Mars this evening. Energy levels run high.
Wednesday Venus is sextile Neptune. The Moon is void of course. A charming flirtation may present itself, but nothing is apt to come of it more than face value. This evening the Moon conjoins Jupiter, now in Pisces. This is dreamy and filled with the promise of other worldly thoughts. Watch out for overdoing either with food, alcohol or mind altering drugs.
Thursday the only aspect is a lunar sextile to Uranus in the middle of the day. Take time off if you possibly can. If not, find something intriguing to focus on.
Friday the Moon is sextile the Sun, then square Mars in the early morning hours. This may present uncomfortable dreams or restless sleep. The Moon is sextile Venus abd cibhiubs Neptune in the pre-dawn hours. Dreams are surreal, fantasy filled and it is difficult to wake up. This evening the Moon is sextile Pluto. Smooth moves are to be taken at face value. Gentle manipulation and sweet talk are to be watched out for,
Saturday the Moon enters Aries. The first aspect is a lunar sextile with Mercury. Communication flows smoothly and to the point. The Sun conjoins Venus today. Enjoy the pleasures of life today.
Sunday the Moon is sextile Saturn in the early morning hours. Aches and pains may interfere with sleep. Before lunch the Moon is square Venus. This can bring about a "me first attitude" or it may play out as taking care of oneself. The Moon is trine Mars just after lunchtime. Expect impatience.
Dr. Sherry Henderson founded the Atlantian Mystery Schools, a holistic and metaphysical professional training program for astrologers, spiritual healers, ministers and counselors in 1995. Dr. Henderson teaches astrology, Kabbalah, psychic development, Tarot, world religion and spiritual business classes. She is a practicing Tarot reader & astrologer. Dr. Henderson is the director of The Inner Space metaphysical center in Atlanta, Georgia.
For information on classes or to schedule an appointment, call 404-252-4540.