In This Issue

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I have recently returned from vacation on the beautiful island of Maui and have some wonderful things to share with you!

Among the many reasons one would chose to go to Maui, I had two strong desires. One was to hang out with our beloved Kohola's (Humpback Whales) of which we are major groupies! We chose the peak period that the Humpbacks would be migrating to Maui from Alaska, so we definitely were able to spend a great deal of time with many of them. I'll save our Kohola story for a future blog post.

Photo by Deborah Kolody ©2016

My second desire was to connect with someone that teaches the Ancient Hawaiian System of Healing called Ho'oponopono. However, my journey with Ho'oponopono in Maui, didn't unfold quite as I thought it would... My Blog has all the details.

What is Ho'oponopono? 

There are a number of people teaching a variety of branches of Ho'oponopono (Ho oh pono pono). The teachings that I have connected with is called Self-Identity Through Ho'oponopono, often referred to as SITH. Ho'oponopono is all about healing through Repentance, Love, Forgiveness Gratitude. The book "Zero Limits" by Joe Vitale & Dr. Hew Len is a book that I had some life changing moments with. Read more on my blog.

I have also included a few Ho'oponopono quick links as resources, in the left column. It is my hope that you find your own connection to this Ancient Hawaiian Healing System, it is quite remarkable!

What I have also discovered as part of my journey with SITH, is that Healerite is the perfect Ho'oponopono Companion Stone. Its a strong Water & Earth stone that helps us to open our hearts and connect with our emotions. Read more on My Blog

I am currently working on all the requests from last month and hope to have your Charts sent to you next week. For those of you who have not submitted a request and would like to receive you FREE Birth Chart. *Go to my FREE Birth Chart page to fill out the form. The submission deadline will be April 11th, to be sent out to you for mid April.

*Please note, you must enter your name and email into the form for me to know who to send the chart to. 

Each Month we will now be offering YOU a Monthly Coupon to utilize at your next visit. They can be collected and used individually or all at once. I have also include a coupon to share with a friend of your choice.

Here is a link to Your March Coupon.

If you are interested, I have reviewed a variety of sightseeing locations, hotels and restaurants in Maui and locally. Here is a link to my reviews. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Mahalo & Aloha!