Colorado End-of-Life Collaborative
Announcing the Launch of Our New Website!
We are proud to introduce you to the Colorado End-of-Life Collaborative (CEOLC), a 501(c)6 non-profit being formed to bring professionally trained end-of-life doulas together under the umbrella of this collaborative for the purpose of establishing a visible presence for those who seek end-of-life services.

Check out our fabulous website, where you will find answers to your questions about end-of-life doulas, as well as current news in the end-of-life field.
Search Our EOL Doula & Affiliate Member Directories
Our vetted and independent end-of-life doula providers offer non-medical care, a compassionate presence, support, education and empowerment to those who are dying and their loved ones. Additionally, we offer affiliate memberships to those vetted sole-proprietors and business organizations that provide other end-of-life products or services to help the community access a full range of solutions to death care needs. Our organization aspires to become the leading source for trusted and professional end-of-life care in Colorado!
CEOLC Spotlight Features
Featured Members | End-of-Life Industry News | Community & Collaborative Updates
Check out our awesome Spotlight page, where we shine a light on all the happenings among our members, affiliated partners, the collaborative, the community and the end-of-life industry.
Join our email list to receive information & updates on all things CEOLC!
EOL Doula & Affiliate Membership
If you are an end-of-life doula serving in Colorado, the doula membership page will provide you with all the information you need on the benefits of membership and how to apply. Click to learn more about EOL doula membership.
If you would like to become an affiliate member offering another end-of-life product or service, the affiliate membership page will provide all you need to know to apply for membership. Click to learn more about affiliate membership.
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