96th District, Virginia House of Delegates   August 27, 2015
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Contact Delegate Pogge


District Office 

(Outside of Session):

1201 Jamestown Road

Williamsburg, VA 23185




Please send mail to:

P.O. Box 196

Norge, VA 23127
Legislative Aide
Amanda Johnston
I'm excited to announce that I've redesigned my website. With user-friendly interface, the site is an excellent resource for campaign information. Visit www.brendapogge.com to view the new look! 

While you are on the site, don't forget to click on the "Volunteer" tab to volunteer or request yard signs and bumper stickers. We are gearing up for November's election, and I need your help in spreading the word! Please also consider making a financial contribution. Every dollar raised will help promote my campaign efforts. I appreciate all of positive feedback and support I've received, and I look forward to continuing to work on behalf of the residents of the 96th District.
Legislative Activity
Earlier today I participated in the Joint Money Meeting in Richmond. Attendees include member of the House Appropriations, House Finance, and Senate Finance Committees. Afterward, as a member of the House Education Committee, I traveled to Petersburg, where I toured two public schools. I truly enjoyed the opportunity to visit classrooms and interact with teachers. 

As Vice Chair of the Education Committee, I have a strong appreciation for the outstanding accomplishments of Virginia's teachers. I'm especially proud to recognize a school in the 96th District, Jamestown High School, for being selected by U.S. News & World Report as one of America's Best High Schools. This well-deserved honor reflects the commitment and hard work of both the students and teachers. We are truly blessed to have excellent schools in our community.
On the Campaign Trail
On Tuesday of this week, I attended a fundraiser for candidates running for the Williamsburg-James City County School Board. Sandy Young, Petra Nadal, and Holly Taylor are respectively seeking the Berkeley, Roberts, and Stonehouse seats on the School Board. Campaigning for local elected office requires a strong commitment of time and energy, and I look forward to supporting these ladies as well as all of the Republican nominees for local office. See you on the campaign trail!

Support your local Republican Committee and candidates!

James City County Republican Committee

York County Republican Committee


My door is always open.
I am truly interested in hearing from constituents who have questions or suggestions regarding state-related issues. If you would ever like to talk or meet with me about a legislative matter, please do not hesitate to email me at DelBPogge@house.virginia.gov or call me at 757-223-9690. For campaign related inquiries, please email delegate@brendapogge.com.

Delegate Brenda Pogge

Paid for and Authorized by Brenda Pogge for Delegate