Visitor Economy Guidelines Updated
England Only News
A summary of the update

The Visitor Economy Guidance has been updated (15 March) to reflect other government guidance. Below is a current round up of current restrictions.

Opening Animal Attractions

Animal attractions should currently be closed as highlighted in section 2.1 of the Visitor Economy Guidance

The government guidance sets a date for reopening outdoor animal attractions and adventure parks of the 12 April.

Indoor areas can reopen on 17 May, however, toilets can be accessed indoors from the 12 April. Please scroll down for information on whether an agricultural barn is indoor or outdoors.

Outdoor Green Spaces allowed to reopen

Some NFAN members have been give go ahead to reopen earlier than the 12 April using the Green Spaces Guidance.

The visitor economy guidance has been updated to confirm the outdoor areas of public and botanical gardens, heritage sites and sculpture parks to reopen (providing space for people to exercise).

Those outdoor venues that are permitted to remain open can offer food and (non-alcoholic) drinks as a takeaway service.

For those reopening for walks or socially distanced Easter Egg Hunts, there is still no access to animals and in some cases, people have moved them out of sight. Numbers also have continued to be restricted with advanced online booking.

Stay at home message

The 'stay at home' message is currently intended to be removed on 29 March.

At this time outdoor gatherings of either 6 people (the Rule of 6) or 2 households will also be allowed. Click here for the Spring Roadmap.

Other useful information from Visitor Economy Guidance

  • In-person meetings for work, training or education purposes should only take place where they cannot be delayed or reasonably be conducted remotely. Find out more at business meetings and events.

  • Permitted venues, including exhibition and conference centres, can hire out function and event spaces for essential work, education and training, where these events cannot reasonably be conducted remotely. However, you must not host conferences, exhibitions, trade shows, private dining events or banquets. More details at business meetings and events.

Is a Barn Indoor or Outdoors?

In the last NFAN Zoom, there was discussion concerning agricultural barns/marquees and whether they are outside/inside.

The guidance hasn't yet come out but when we reopened in December, the government act referred to the Smoking Shelter Regulations as the definition of indoor space for face masks. Every local authority will have a link to their Smoking Shelter Guidelines but in essence, a building is outdoors if it has at least 50% of the sides open.

Information if needed for your EHO
This links to the Government Act clarifying the definition of indoor area for face covering in December

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