Vista City Council

Meeting Notice and Agenda

March 26, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.

City Council Chambers

Vista Civic Center

200 Civic Center Drive

Read the Agenda

If you'd like to join us and participate in person, fill out a speaker slip by the entrance to the Council Chambers and hand it to the Clerk at the dais. You'll be given 3 minutes to share your thoughts on any agenda item or during the public comments section.

For those who prefer to participate from home, the City of Vista offers the option to attend Council meetings via Zoom. Simply request to speak about agenda items or any other topic during the public comment section of the meeting. Detailed instructions for using Zoom can be found on the first page of the agenda. You'll also have 3 minutes to express your views in this format.

While you can still watch our meetings on the City's YouTube channel, please be aware that you won't have the option to make public comments through this platform.

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Viewing Meetings Online

City Council meetings are broadcast live on the City's YouTube channel. Past meetings are archived on YouTube. To view and participate in the meeting live via Zoom, click on View Zoom Meeting.

Agenda Reports

You can view and/or retrieve the agenda reports from the City's online records systems here.

The City Council is the governing body of the Vista Municipal Government. The City Council sets City policy, adopts City ordinances and resolutions, and reviews and approves all major policy matters, fiscal concerns, and City projects.

The City Council also serves as the governing body of the Buena Sanitation District (BSD), the Community Development Commission (CDC), the Successor Agency to the Vista Redevelopment Agency (SA), and the Joint Powers Financing Authority (JPFA).

City Council Members

John Franklin, Mayor

Katie Melendez, Deputy Mayor

Joe Green, Council Member

Corinna Contreras, Council Member

Dan O'Donnell, Council Member

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