Join a "Vocations Sunday" Event on May 11-12
Vocations Sunday - May 12 - is two weeks away, and we, along with Women's Ordination Worldwide, are ready with 9 events worldwide and counting!
While the institutional church prays for "laborers for the harvest," we will stand outside and demand to know,
"Where are the women?"
We already know the answer: Women are here. Women are called. Women are ready.
Join us at one of our planned events:
New York City
"Vocations Lost and Found"
Saturday, May 11
6 p.m.
Stonefield, Hudson River Park
Washington, D.C.
"Mass on Mass (en Masse)"
Sunday, May 12
4 p.m.
Mass Ave. (Near Vatican Embassy at 45th and Fulton NW)
Come for a Mass with a Roman Catholic Womanpriest - rain or shine. Bring a chair or blanket, and wear white!
Rochester, NY
Sunday, May 12
Sacred Heart Cathedral
296 Flower City Park
Springfield, MA
Details TBA
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
Details TBA
Denver, CO
Sunday, May 12
9:30 a.m.
Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
1530 Logan St.
London, England
Sunday, May 12
10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Westminster Cathedral
Bristol, England
Sunday, May 12
10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Clifton Cathedral
And, on the following weekend:
Philadelphia, PA
Saturday, May 18
Sister Cities Park, 18th and JFK Parkway
(Across from Sts. Peter and Paul Basilica)
Want to organize your own event, or get connected with WOC supporters in your area? Just respond to this e-mail!
Head to our Vocations Sunday page for updates as we include more events and details. You can also find resources including a prayer service, a printable sign, slogans for your own use, and social media materials. We also invite you to check out the website for Maria 2.0, a protest in Germany taking place from May 11-18 that we are standing in solidarity with through our actions on May 11 and 12.
Please join us so we can raise our voices and show the hierarchy that women have always been here - ready to break the silence and break the bread, and to break down the doors that have kept us outside.
Katie Lacz
Program Associate
Spread the Word About Vocations Sunday
Even if you can't join a witness, share your support for our Vocations Sunday efforts on social media. Our
Vocations Sunday page
has images for sharing on Facebook and Instagram - don't forget to use the tags #VocationsSunday, #OrdainWomen, and #WhereAreTheWomen.
Sample Tweets for Vocations Sunday:
On Vocations Sunday, where are the women? Standing outside - ready, willing, and CALLED to serve as priests. #VocationsSunday #OrdainWomen #WhereAreTheWomen
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"I take for granted that a woman can also be ordained...I am surprised that the presence of Christ is reduced to being a man." - Sr. Ruth Schonenberger #VocationsSunday #OrdainWomen #WhereAreTheWomen
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We are ready to break the silence, break bread, and break down the doors that keep women outside Church leadership. #VocationsSunday #OrdainWomen #WhereAretheWomen
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Women are priestly people - ordain them! #VocationsSunday #OrdainWomen #WhereAreTheWomen
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Including women in decision-making and leadership is a "duty of justice," say the bishops - so ordain them! #VocationsSunday #OrdainWomen #WhereAreTheWomen
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"Ordain Catholic Women" Umbrellas for Sale!