Years ago space advocates came to DC to steer national space policy in the direction of growth, unleashing the power of the free market. The results of that effort are manifest today in dramatically invigorated space market that delivers better service and lower cost for government and non-government uses. (And we don't need to bum a ride to our on orbit house from Russia.)
Now we are called upon to do the same for the next era, setting up potential future successes that exist just over the horizon. As space activity expands into new areas, it is imperative that the regulation that accompanies it does not sacrifice growth in the attempt to prematurely control before it exists.
You may have heard stories of the from individuals in our Commercial Space Pioneers Series. Join us now to give voice to the future of space, and know you too will be able to look back on your contribution to create a flourishing space environment that increases humanity's standard of living.