This is the 42nd issue of Voices From the Past. My goal for each issue is to publish one of my stories as well as an update on my activities. Please feel free to forward this e-newsletter to anyone you think might be interested.

Here's a story with three anecdotes about Julia Child. (Yes, I realize that doesn't look like me below, but if you click on the arrow, I'll start telling the story.)
News about me

Here are two upcoming LIVE performances :-)
Come join us at Proctors for our first live performance since February 2020. Click here to see Proctors current COVID protocols.

Or join our email list to get access to the post-performance video.
Thanks for reading this issue. I hope your journeys will be safe and sprinkled with many pops of joy.

I’ll be sending you some more story highlights in a few months.

You can learn more about me and watch me tell more stories on my website: