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6100 Nashville Hwy - Baxter, TN 38544 207-314-1937


They Are Called

The Three Amigos

. . . . and when Greg Roberts of Volti Audio, Gary Dews of BorderPatrol Audio, and Pete Grzybowski of Triode Wire labs join forces at a show, you just know FUN things are going to happen!

This is what we have planned for the Florida International Audio Expo, February 16 - 19, 2024 in Tampa.

You are invited! Please put room 403 at the top of your list to visit. I promise you will be glad you did.


Greg Roberts of Volti Audio is bringing a brand-new model of speaker to the Florida Audio Expo.

This speaker is so new that I hope the paint dries before the show!

The new speaker is called "Lucera", which means 'from a bright light' or possibly 'the brightest star'. Either meaning seems appropriate for this new offering from Volti Audio. A speaker that is as much about dynamic power delivery as it is refinement - a speaker that simply gets out of the way and leaves the music right in front of you.

The Lucera is not a big speaker at just 18" wide, 14" deep, and 40" tall, but it delivers a huge soundstage and with 99db sensitivity can reach realistic volume levels in-room with just a few watts of power.

Each cabinet has a powerful 15" high-sensitivity woofer, a 2" outlet midrange compression driver mounted to a shallow-flare horn lens, and a 1" compression tweeter. Crossovers are hand-built with high-quality components mounted to wooden boards. Cabinet construction is typical Volti-stout, with 1" thick Baltic Birch plywood, bracing of the same, and finished in fine wood veneers.

You definitely don't want to miss that sweet spot seat in room 403 at the show. You'll be the first to photograph and hear these wonderful new speakers.

Lucera speakers are sold direct to our customers for $11,750/pair.

"Triode Pete" Will Be There

To be honest, the Triode Wire Labs recipe for making great cables is not something I completely understand. Hey, I'm a speaker builder, what the heck do I know about making cables? But based on my experience using TWL cables over the last ten years in my own system at home and at the audio shows, whatever mix of ingredients Pete's using works very well indeed.

Pete's cables bring out the best in the BorderPatrol electronics and deliver the signal faithfully to the Volti speakers. They are very well made, they are flexible, they look great, and Pete's pricing is a lot lower than you would think.

Come into room 403 and peek behind the gear to see what's tying it all together.

I've heard that Pete is bringing a couple of new cables along for the show, so be sure to ask him what he's been cooking up lately.

Gary Dews Will Be There Too

The amplifier in my own system at home is a BorderPatrol Audio Electronics S20 EXD EXS and I think I'm very lucky to have it. I've never heard a better sounding amplifier. Gary's been making amplifiers like this for a looong time and he will have one of his beautiful creations in room 403 for you to hear.

If you come to our room for one thing only, come for the natural sounding digital source. Three key components work together to deliver a tonally balanced, rich, engaging, and natural sounding digital front-end that you will love listening to.

The Innuos music server, the Triode Wire Labs USB cable, and the BorderPatrol DAC is a combination that can't be beat - and all at a price that is simply a bargain in high-end audio. In a world where you routinely see DAC's that cost $10K - $30K or more, this whole digital front end clocks in at $5,748. Next time you get that itch to upgrade your system . . . .

It's Going To Be A Great Show!

I sat down last night to write this newsletter thinking that I would be sending it just to my "Press" list. But then I thought, why not send it to all my subscribers? So here you go.

You're welcome. :)

Please reply back to let me know if you're going to be there.

If you are planning to be there, just know that I'm not always in the show room. I'm often walking around the show checking out the other show rooms. So here's my phone/text number 207-314-1937. Just send me a text and I can meet you in 403.

Hope to see you there!


P.S. to the Press - I would love to set up a couple of reviews of the Lucera. Let me know if that's something you're interested in.

P.S.S. - Did you know that at the shows, if you approach Pete, Gary or Greg about their products and ask if there are any show discounts, there usually are?

Call Greg Roberts 207-314-1937
Demo Room, by appointment: Baxter, TN