December 1, 2023

Volume 2, Edition 8

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Letter from the Dean

Photo: Sambado and Son Cherry Orchard, Linden, CA

Beyond Begging

Community cannot take root in a divided life. Long before community assumes external shape and form, it must be present as a seed in the undivided self: only as we are in communion with ourselves can we find community with others.

Parker Palmer

The Courage to Teach

My first year of teaching at Linden High School, which was situated amidst the cherry orchards, meant I would have my own classroom for the first time. Prior to that, I was a student teacher who shared nooks and crannies with others in the schools in which I taught. To have a classroom that would bear my personal signature, my teacher imprimatur, was thrilling.

As a nascent English teacher, I joyously quoted Lewis Carroll from Jabberwocky:

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”

My enthusiasm waned as I stood in the doorway, though. Mrs. Barbera from next door, who had heard me gasp, peered over my shoulder. Once the prior teacher had left the classroom, my fellow teachers had pillaged it. Everything that was not nailed down had been taken. Classroom sets of novels. Gone. Bookshelves. Vanished. She said this was to be expected. Furniture, materials, and supplies were in demand and my colleagues took advantage of the freebies.

It was then that I learned to beg to take care of my students. I became quite shameless at asking for books from my colleagues and at scrounging whatever giveaways I could find. Fortunately, in my third year of teaching, I discovered grant writing. My first $11,000 grant came with great celebration in my school and district. I was able to parlay my skills as a writer into successfully funded initiatives to ensure our dreams would come true.

What I learned is that people want to contribute to causes that have meaning to them, and fortunately, education means so much to so many. Over time I learned to curate the stories that resonated with those in our community. When your dreams and ours align, magic happens.

In her book, All About Love: New Visions, author bell hooks writes,

Moving from solitude into community heightens our capacity for fellowship with one another. Through fellowship we learn how to serve one another. Service is another dimension of communal love. At the end of her autobiography The Wheel of Life, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross confesses:

I can assure you that the greatest rewards in your whole life will come from opening your heart to those in need. The greatest blessings always come from helping.


I recently attended a Legacy Breakfast for Channel Islands students who had received scholarships. I sat at one table, introduced myself, and listened to each student’s story—how they came to CI, what their majors were, and what this scholarship meant to them.

And then I said this:

You probably notice that the donor who provided your scholarship is not here. That is because in many cases, this individual has passed away. You were but a dream to them—a deserving student somewhere in the future who would benefit from their support. While they are no longer with us, you are their legacy. Their lives continue through you. Someday, you will be in the position to pay it forward—to provide a scholarship for someone just like you. Their generosity has made your education a dream come true. 

These days, I’ve moved far beyond begging. Instead, I frame the needs that we have as an invitation to join our community. I invite you to support our School of Education.

Opportunities abound for you to consider sponsorship of our events, programs, and students:

 This Spring 2024, we will host our 13th Annual Social Justice in Education Conference featuring Gloria Ladson-Billings. This complimentary event welcomes our entire region.

Ö     Our Early Childhood Studies will host El Día del Niño/Day of the Child—a carnival for parents and children featuring food, fun, and great literature.

Ö     In Summer 2024, we launch two new degree programs to serve our region—the MS in School Counseling (with Pupil Personnel Credential) and the Doctorate in Educational Leadership for Equity and Justice (DELEJ), designed to support educational leaders in PK12 through community colleges.

Why should we give? It is the greatest expression of our love of our community. I look forward to celebrating your gift to us with you.

For fellowship in community, 


Elizabeth C. Orozco Reilly

Photo: Thank You, Priscilla Du Preez


Celebrating our Fall 2023 ECS Fall Cohort

On November 27th, we invited friends and family to celebrate our ECS 2023 cohort. It was a wonderful opportunity to recognize their accomplishments and to wish them all the best as they embark on their future careers in early childhood education.

Congratulations to our Fall 2023 Cohort of Early Childhood Students!

Present at our Social Justice in Education Conference

Submissions are now open to present at our annual Social Justice in Education Conference, featuring keynote speaker, Gloria Ladson-Billings. Submissions are open to all. Please share with any relevant community partners. You can find the submission for here.

A Call to Action: Join the Effort to Survey Homelessness in Ventura County

In an initiative aimed at obtaining a comprehensive snapshot census of individuals experiencing homelessness in Ventura County, community members are invited to participate in a vital survey. This survey not only serves as a means to understand the extent of homelessness but also opens avenues for accessing crucial state and federal funding. Open the flyers below to learn more about how you can participate.

Point in Time Count- English

Point in Time Count- Spanish

Upcoming Information Sessions



Virtual Discussion with the State’s Public Higher Ed Leaders

Three of California’s leaders in public higher education will participate in an hour-long virtual conversation on December 1. Participants in “A Conversation with California’s Public Higher Education Leaders”. Click the link to register and to learn more.



SOE All Faculty and Staff Meeting

Our faculty and staff luncheon will be taking place on  on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 in the Grand Salon from 8:30-1:00. Coffee and treats are to be served beginning at 8:30 followed by lunch at noon. Please be sure to bring your laptop and charger so that you can follow along with any materials being presented. Please email Brittany at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

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Show Your School Pride with CSUCI Gear on Wednesdays

The School of Education invites you to display your school spirit by wearing your CSUCI apparel every Wednesday! Stop by the Cove Bookstore on Wednesdays to get your gear and receive an extra 20% off your purchase.

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