Membership Newsletter
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
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Welcome to Our Bi-weekly Newsletter
It's a quick-read, multi-topic news channel for members to see what is going on, what is planned, and what successes from the previous weeks.
Please share news, tidbits, or notices of upcoming events in your area so we may include them. We also value your feedback on this newsletter and how we may better serve you. Don't hesitate to contact
Dr. Roy Benavides (email Roy)
Jeff Butcher (email Jeff)
or Tom Welch (email Tom).
Submission consideration deadline is
Monday at 8 a.m. for the week of release.
Please share this newsletter with others
in your parish or community.
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Monthly Webinar
April 3, 2024
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Welcome Our Chaplain
Bishop Jeff Fisher
APRIL 3, 2024
Introducing our new National Chaplain:
Bro. Jeff is Bishop Suffragan in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and the bishop for the east region of the diocese.
Our monthly webinars are always on the first Wednesday of each month at 8 pm/Eastern.
Here's the link:
BStA Monthly Webinar Link
National Study Pending
Fr. Brian McVey
In Case You Missed It!
Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Craig Coleman, Program Manager
Alzheimer's Association
replay can be found here
January webinar featuring Rev. Can. Scott Gunn,
Executive Director of Forward Movement
Click here for a replay
February webinar with Rev. Matthew S.C. Olver
Executive Director and Publisher
The Living Church
Click here for a replay
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From the Director's Chair
By Executive Director Tom Welch
He is Risen! Eastertide blessings, dear reader. I don’t know about you, but Easter Sunday this year was so welcomed by my soul. The days from Palm Sunday through Good Friday always find me in a quandary. By the Easter Vigil on Saturday night our spirits shift. We’re almost there, to that “gettin’ up Sunday” as old spirituals say. Then, “boom,” and the sun rises on Easter Sunday. These past several days have found me learning of more than a few among us who have loved ones at or near death’s door. In fact, today I am traveling back down to Mississippi today to be a part of a memorial service for a friend I’ve had since I was 13 years old. There’s something holy about losing friends and loved ones on Good Friday, as happened with my friend, and how Easter Sunday feels. What a wonderful aid to grief.
While I feel a spirit of revival in days like this personally, I also feel a revival of spirit in the air for us as a ministry to men and youth. This week I’ve fielded calls and emails from those wanting to know about how to start a chapter to those who have been members for years wanting to know what they can do to help. That’s refreshing. You’ve read from our editor to The St. Andrew’s Cross, Kathy Copas, in recent editions about how we can help fulfill the Great Commission in our churches and chapters. I hope you make the time to read about them in the most recent edition as well as others on our website from the last year. It’s just not that difficult to spread the good news. Movement makes more things happen than we can imagine. The point is to MOVE. Tonight we will hear from our National Chaplain, Rt. Rev. Jeff Fisher on topics that are important to men, their walk with the Lord and how to help that walk. I hope you can join us. The link for the webinar is posted in this edition. I hope you will join us. If you miss it, you can find it on our website in a couple of days.
Thank you for the difference you make with your support of our mutual ministry efforts with your time and talent. All of it matters!
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Introduction to Discipleship
By Darron Kendrick,
VP of Discipleship and Mentoring
Each time someone is baptized in our Church (St. Peter & St. Paul, Marietta, Georgia), we all stand and renew the Baptismal Covenant (BCP, pp304-305). The mission of The Brotherhood of St. Andrew of Prayer, Service, and Study is deeply rooted in the Covenant, for in this pledge we are asked if we will continue the Apostolic teaching in fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers. Will the good news of God in Christ be shared by our word and example? Will we see Christ in all persons, strive for justice and peace, respect each other’s dignity by loving our neighbors? Will we resist evil, repent, and return to Christ when we fail?
In summary, we are pledging to be Disciples of Jesus- to make God the center of our lives and to treat our fellow men and women as equals, if not higher, than our own love for ourselves.
The principle of the Covenant we make before God will be the driving force behind our ministry of Discipleship. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew, named for the man who brought others to meet Jesus, is positioned to be a light in the darkness of our times, to bring the gift of light, the Holy Spirit, to others through our discipleship. The opportunity we have is enormous. People are still thirsting for the freedom, peace and joy that comes from meeting- and living with- Jesus. We will share this gift.
If anyone of you Brothers is interested in being part of the ministry of Discipleship and Mentoring, please drop me a note. I would love to hear from you. Contact me at disciple.mentor@brothersandrew.net.
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The Brotherhood of St. Andrew's
Annual Sweepstakes Campaign Starts
Number two of the now annual Brotherhood of Saint Andrew Kingdom Builder Sweepstakes has arrived. Kind of exciting, too! In the next few days, your ticket packet will arrive in the mail. All you do is sell your tickets and return the completed stubs with money by postmark of midnight, May 15, 2024, to the National Office. The monies raised result in advancing God's Kingdom through BStA's seven mission ministries: Discipleship & Mentoring; Restorative Justice (Prison); Scouting & Youth; Veterans; Racial Reconciliation, Recovery; and Social Justice.
The Live Drawing will take place over ZOOM on May 29 at 8 p.m. EST. Five winners drawn will receive five percent of the total amount raised after expenses for printing, mailing, and marketing. And this year, the Stewardship and Generosity Commission will reward the chapter of each of the top three salespeople. The chapter will receive Brotherhood merchandise credit towards any inventory item(s) in the following denominations: $150-1st Place; $125-2nd Place; and $100-3rd Place.
If you need more tickets, questions, assistance of any kind, just call the National Office at 502-450-5640.
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VP Dick Hooper and the Membership Committee of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew have an addition devotion for the Stations of the Cross. This is service is in addition to our Devotional Handbook. It is timely and well done. We urge chapters to include this service with your routine devotions during your time together as Brothers Andrew. The Power Point and Service is available on the Prayer page of the BStA website or you can download the guide here.
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MINISTRY DUES renewal time is NOW to remain in good standing!
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or mail with check to the National Office at
620 South Third Street, Louisville, KY 40202
Annual Ministry Dues are:
Senior Member (men age 21 & older) -- $50
Junior Member (youth under 21) -- $10
Associate Member (women) -- $25
become a Life Member for one-time ministry dues of at least $1,000
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2024 Membership Updates
(Through 4/3/24)
1,157 Sr. Members paid
including 110 New Members!
402 Life Members
4 Junior Members
28 Associate Members
That's 1,591 total!
Recognizing Our
Sustaining Members
Sustaining Members refers to Brothers who have committed to offering a monthly (or quarterly) donation to the Brotherhood over and above their regular Sr. Membership dues or a Life Membership.
Many of us do make additional donations throughout the year (Ex: special appeals, purchase of the Sweepstakes tickets, etc.), but this a pledged commitment of recurring donations in a regular, consistent recurring donation throughout the year. It represents a commitment to financially support our ministry continuously throughout the year.
Thanks be to these Brothers for their commitment to financially supporting our ministry
throughout the year.
Br. James Miller, Br. John Streeter, Br. David Adams,
Br. Evans Clements, Rev. Br. Ellis Clifton, Br. Nick Cox, Br. Cecil Buxo, Br. Walt Joyce, Br. Leland Metheney,
Br. Louis Surles, Br. John Blossom, Br. Eric Fisher,
Rev. Br. John Thompson-Quartey, Br. Arthur Simpson, Br. Oliver Evans, Br. Peter Gilmour, Br. Ken Holloway, Br. Roy Benavides, Br. Conrad Jones, Br. Ed Milbrada, Br. Ray Talbird, Br. George Shumard, Br. Jeff Butcher, Br. Tom Simpson, Br. Dick Hooper, Br. Eric Haralson, Br. Tom Welch, Rev. Br. Ed Bartle, Br. David Penley,
Br. John Fitzgerald, Br. Billy Harrison, Br. Tom Nichols.
Can you commit to a $5 or $10/month (or more) donation to this ministry and community of men that you belong to? Many brothers also make an annual contribution above dues. It is important, if not critical, to the ongoing vitality of our ministry to men and youth. If you'd like to discuss more, email us by clicking here:
Sign up today and have your appreciation gift
sent to you!
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Join us...
What better way to level set during the middle of the week? We will hold a weekly Wednesday noon (CDT) prayer time over ZOOM that is open to all brothers and guests. Let's pray for the Brotherhood, for our Brothers, and even share some stories of how Prayer has impacted you or someone you know!
We can all spare 20 minutes in prayer. It's like stopping at the faith service station to fill your prayer tank!
Please join us every week when you can to recharge your prayer batteries!
The Zoom link for Mid-Day Prayers can be accessed by clicking here.
Copy and paste this Zoom link into your calendar so you can join us for 20 minutes
every Wednesday at 1 pm EST/noon CST/11 am MST/10 am PST!
If you'd like to help lead, pick an empty date and contact roy.benavides@brothersandrew.net
It's simple...we already have the script made out (in our devotional handbook or the Book of Common Prayer)!
Prayer Leaders Schedule: Click Here
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Podcast Suggestions
Brothers looking to grow spiritually may find Podcasts from Forward Movement as a strategy to add to their “rule of life,” enhance their walk or drive time, or add to their daily or weekly study and prayer. The following link is to Forward Movement Podcast, which gives you several options to add to your podcast app.
Click Here for Podcast from Forward Movement
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Ministry News!
Scouting and Youth
Racial Reconciliation
Social Justice
Restorative Justice
Discipleship and Mentoring
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We need stories from Chapters and Ministries
Kathy Copas, our editor, would like to include more news of chapter events and ministry meetings or events. If you have something to share, please send it to
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Prayer Requests
If you have a personal prayer request, please contact (502) 450-5640 to submit your requests.
Learn to Pray the Anglican Rosary
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Some Current Reading by Brothers
Signs of Life: Nurturing Spiritual Growth in Your Church
by Jay Sidebotham
by Susan Mettes, David Kinnaman - foreword, et al.
Peace in the Last Third of Life:
A Handbook of Hope for Boomers
Paul F. M. Zahl
What are you currently Reading? Do you have any book recommendations?
Does your chapter have a book study?
Write to us and give us the title and author so we can share it with your Brothers!
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Financial Dollars and Cents
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This newsletter was made possible thanks to your generous financial support.
Thanks so much!
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