April 2021
National Volunteer Appreciation Week - April 18-24

Rowing in Saskatchewan has a long history of dedicated volunteers who give endlessly in support of our sport. From the many Board members and Presidents who have served at both the club and provincial levels, to coaches and officials, to boat fixers and drivers, without you our sport does not continue.

So we say thanks for your time, energy and commitment to Saskatchewan Rowing.

Keep up to date with all our latest events and other exciting news at saskrowing.ca under WHAT's NEW and follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Summer Development Coach Positions
Join our Summer Development Team in either Saskatoon or Regina, as we share the joy of rowing across the province.
See full job descriptions here.

Learn To Row (Virtual) Coach Training
May 3 & 10, 2021
SRA is hosting the LTR virtual coach training via Zoom May 3rd & 10th from 6pm-10pm. This training is ideal for anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge of rowing principles and/or are interested in supporting their club or community to develop on water rowing. 2020-2021 RCA LTR Coach Pathway.pdf
Facilitators: Garett Mathiason & Sheila Findlay

Training Modules
1. RCA and the NCCP Overview Module
2. Safety, Risk Management and the EAP Module
3. Analyze Performance – Technique Module
4. Lesson Planning and Structure Module
5. Communications, Teaching and Learning Module
6. Rigging Module
7. Coach Boat Safety and Skills  

1. Create an account and register with RCA as a coach (membership.rowingcanada.org)
2. Register in “The Locker” (thelocker.coach.ca)
3. Obtain/verify Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) and provide to your Provincial Rowing Association

ELearning Pre-Requisites
1. Complete NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport eLearning Module
2. Complete RCA Rowing Essentials eLearning Module
3. Complete MED module https://www.coach.ca/ make-ethical-decisions-med--s16834

Cost: $50 to be paid by etransfer to skrowoffice@gmail.com

For more than a decade, Dave Woytowich represented Saskatchewan at regattas across the country. His officiating began in 2007 as an Associate Umpire at Western Canada Sprints and in that same year he officiated at Western Canada Summer Games and NWIRA.

Dave moved through the officiating ranks to become a Chief Umpire in 2012. He continued to serve as Chief umpire at regattas including Sprints, CURC, NWIRA and NRC's from 2007 to 2018. His love of the sport and his comittment to fair play, made Dave a brilliant umpire.

On behalf of the Saskatchewan Rowing Association and the thousands of rowers that you have helped enjoy safe and fair racing, we thank you. We look forward to appropriately honoring your officiating career, once we can celebrate COVID free.
During this COVID year, the Saskatchewan Rowing Association has been fortunate to continue to receive support from our funders. We would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada for their assistance in ensuring our programming continued.

We also thank Rowing Canada Aviron for their support our officials program.

In addition, without the ongoing support of Saskatchewan Lotteries many sport organizations, including ours, would have been unable to continue to support sport and fitness in our province. SaskSport and their team of Sport Consultants continue to help grow rowing in our province.
We want to hear from you. Give us your feedback on the newsletter, suggest information you would like to see more of and help us get you what you need!

Saskatchewan Rowing | (306)244-7697 | skrowoffice@gmail.com| saskrowing.ca