Volunteer Connect
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Would you like to give back to our community in a meaningful way?
Check out the volunteer opportunities listed below!
And please share this email with friends, family, and coworkers.
Each of us can make a difference!
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If you are a non-profit and would like to list your volunteer opportunities in the Connect, it's easy! Just click here.
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Amiyah Hargrove is our volunteer of the week!
Amiyah is a standout youth volunteer at the Boys & Girls Club and in the greater Green Bay area. Her efforts have addressed many community needs. She has helped run a farmer's market table, taken care of the Boys & Girls Club garden, picked up litter at Baird Creek, and helped animals in need at the wildlife sanctuary. Her volunteer service has also included making blankets and creating dog care packages for Happily Ever After Animal Sanctuary. She has served as a leader in many service learning projects at the Boys & Girls Club, including making cupcakes for club fundraisers and building an art piece to represent the Girls On The Run team. In addition, Amiyah assists club staff daily by cleaning tables, sweeping, picking up after programs, and jumping in on other tasks any time she sees opportunities to help.
Amiyah always demonstrates leadership, selflessness, good listening skills, and encouragement for others. Her kindness and positivity are sources of light for everyone who interacts with her. She has been a role model for her peers, inspiring many other club members to develop a passion for volunteering in their local community. Amiyah also is a model to others through her passion and ability to work through challenges, having demonstrated incredible resiliency in her personal life. She is learning how to be a future change agent. Thank you, Amiyah, for all you do for others!
Click here to find this story on our Facebook page!
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Happening Soon:
The 6th Annual Volunteer Expo!
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Tuesday, September 19: 3:00-6:00 pm
Stadium View Banquet Hall, 1963 Holmgren Way, Green Bay
This FREE, family-friendly event, hosted by the Volunteer Center of Brown County and sponsored by Fox Communities Credit Union, will feature up to 50 local nonprofits. Enjoy a cash bar and refreshments as you network with the nonprofits and learn more about their valuable work. Discover ways YOU can assist them, while strengthening our community by giving of your time and talents. Plus, volunteering makes your heart happy! Click the button below for a list of participating organizations. See you there!
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50th Anniversary Campaign | |
We're Celebrating 50 Years Community Strong!
Since 1973, the Volunteer Center of Brown County has been a pillar of community engagement. We are proudly announcing our 50th Anniversary Campaign, a celebration of five decades of volunteerism and service.
Join us as we commemorate 50 years of making a difference in our community. Make a donation today to support our mission and ensure our impact continues for the next 50 years. Thanks to the Otto Bremer Trust, your donation will be matched dollar for dollar, doubling the difference you make. Help us reach our goal and shape a brighter future for our community!
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Date-Specific Volunteer Opportunities | |
Youth Flag Football - Now through October 28
Coaches are needed! You'll be provided a binder with practice plans, plays, and rule book. There will also be an instructor available at practice to help guide the group, take attendance, answer any parent questions, etc. Shifts: Thursdays, 5:00-6:00 pm (7-9 year-olds) and 6:15-7:15 pm (10-12 year-olds); Saturdays, 8:00 am-12:00 pm (all age groups). Minimum age: 18.
The Salvation Army of Greater Green Bay - Michaela Koepp
920-593-2375, michaela.koepp@usc.salvationarmy.org
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2023 Desert Veterans of Wisconsin Zombie Run ZK - September 16
Volunteers are needed for the following roles: zombies (the more the better), make-up artists (will start at about 2:00 pm), course monitors (will herd their zombies to where they will be on the course and then plan to stay in that area for the run), registration, and course set-up and take-down. Zombies will need to be on the course by 6:00 pm. Last runners should be off the course no later than 8:00 pm, and organizers will make sure the last remaining zombies are off as well. Kids as young as 13 may volunteer with adult supervision. Click here to sign up.
Desert Veterans of Wisconsin - Mark Bonovetz
920-288-9189, mbonovetz@yahoo.com
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Electronics Recycling - September 16
Volunteers will be assisting with unloading electronics from those who drop them off and helping to organize them into bins. Shifts: 8:00-10:00 am or 10:00 am-12:00 pm.
JOSHUA - Caitlin Haynes
920-301-0022, joshua4justice@gmail.com
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Broadway TrashForce - September 18
Help pick up trash throughout the Broadway District! Supplies, such as gloves, trash bags, and trash grabbers, will be provided. Shift: 5:30-6:30 pm.
On Broadway, Inc. - Quincy Fassbender
920-655-7525, quincy@onbroadway.org
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Super Senior Day - September 22
Assist seniors with crafts or help call bingo. Alternate available tasks include set-up, light meal prep, serving lunch, and clean-up. Shifts: 8:30 am-12:00 pm or 11:30 am-3:00 pm. Minimum age: 16.
The Salvation Army of Greater Green Bay-Kroc Center - Michaela Koepp
920-593-2375, michaela.koepp@usc.salvationarmy.org
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Packer Game Ticket Scanning - September 24 and 28, and October 29
Two types of roles are available:
- Ticket scanning groups will check in with a supervisor at their check-in time, retrieve a water and a red polo/jacket from the usher room, and walk to their assigned gate (directions to gates will be provided). Groups typically stay together, but occasionally some group members are at a separate gate. Once at your assigned gate, training is provided using a handheld ticket scanning device (Lambeau Field is 100% mobile ticketing; some gates have self-scanning pedestals). You will then scan all incoming fans' tickets, being sure to thank them for coming; volunteers are asked to be engaged in the fun! Any ticketing issues will be handled by a supervisor. Shifts: 3.5-4.5 hours in length; arrival time varies; groups normally stay 30-45 minutes after kick-off and will then be released by their supervisor. Minimum age: 16.
- Late ticket scanning is for one group only of 8-10 people. This group will check in with a supervisor at their check-in time; retrieve a water, a boxed dinner/lunch, and a red polo/jacket from the usher room; then stay there until placed at their gates. A supervisor will walk you around the stadium and place one person at each gate. Each person will be placed with a Brown County officer at their gate. Training is provided using a handheld ticket scanning device (Lambeau Field is 100% mobile ticketing; some gates have self-scanning pedestals). You will then scan all incoming fans' tickets, being sure to thank them for coming; volunteers are asked to be engaged in the fun! Any ticketing issues will be handled at the ticket office nearest your gate. Shifts: 5-6 hours in length; arrival time varies; you'll stay until the end of the third quarter and will then be released by the officer to return to the usher room and check out. Minimum age: 18.
For both types of roles, volunteers must wear tan or black pants, no shorts or capris. Any shirt is fine. You'll be standing the entire shift. Groups will be provided with ponchos, hand warmers, and sunscreen.
Hand of Hope - Kristi King
920-265-9708, kristi54162@gmail.com
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CASA Volunteer Virtual Info Sessions - September 28 and October 10 and 26
All it takes is one person. Can you lend a voice? Volunteers are invited to join Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Brown County for a 30-minute virtual information session to learn how. CASA provides a voice for abused and neglected children who are under court protection. From CASA volunteer Mark: "It doesn't take a lot of time to make a difference in a child's life." Children with a CASA volunteer are more likely to report higher levels of hope, do better in school, and achieve permanency in a safe home more quickly. YOU can make a difference! Sessions: September 28 and October 26, 12:00 pm; October 10, 5:30 pm. Minimum age: 21.
CASA of Brown County - Eileen Metzler
920-393-9771, eileen@casabc.org
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Fall Family Festival - October 1
Volunteer duties include concessions order taker, parking attendant, children's games and crafts assistant, and front desk check-in assistant. Shifts: 10:00 am-2:15 pm (concessions) and 8:45 am-12:45 pm or 12:15-4:15 pm (all other roles). Minimum age: 18 for parking, 16 for concessions and front desk, as young as 12 with parent or guardian for children's games and crafts.
Green Bay Botanical Garden - Kate Martin
920-593-5686, volunteer@gbbg.org
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Volunteer Training Sessions - October 2, 9, 16 and 23
Join CASA of Brown County in helping to advocate for children who have experienced abuse and/or neglect in Brown County. The journey to becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate is both life-changing and life-affirming, because CASA knows that the children they work with will benefit greatly from your friendship, your support, and your time. Just as important, you will gain the personal satisfaction of helping a child today and making a difference for years to come. Volunteer applications are due September 15. Sessions: 5:30-9:00 pm.
CASA of Brown County - Eileen Metzler
920-393-9771, eileen@casabc.org
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Fall Fest on Broadway - October 7
Assist with various needs throughout the event. Duties include activity monitor, beverage tent server, info booth, and set-up and take-down help. Shifts: 8:00-11:00 am (set-up), 3:00-5:00 pm (clean-up), 11:00 am-3:00 pm (all other duties). This is a great opportunity for high school students!
On Broadway Inc. - Quincy Fassbender
920-655-7525, quincy@onbroadway.org
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Women's Half Marathon and 5K - October 7
Volunteers are needed to man course corners on both the 5K and half marathon courses, at water stations, and at the finish line. Various shifts: 7:30 am-12:00 pm. Minimum age: 10.
Bellin Health - Linda Maxwell
920-217-5695, bellinwomenshalf@bellin.org
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The Great Pumpkin Train - October 14 and 21
Assist with the pumpkin patch, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor games, and more! Shifts: 8:30 am-1:00 pm and 12:45-5:15 pm. Volunteers ages 10-14 should be accompanied by a parent.
National Railroad Museum - Cassie Elmer
920-437-7623, celmer@nationalrrmuseum.org
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Fall Harvest Festival - October 19
Join in on the trunk-or-treat fun! Volunteers are needed to help with the registration and craft tables, to be game attendants, to cook and serve food, and to host a trunk-or-treat from their vehicle. Location: 626 Union Ct. in Green Bay. Shift: 4:00-6:30 pm. Volunteers younger than 16 must be with an adult.
The Salvation Army of Greater Green Bay - Michaela Koepp
920-593-2375, michaela.koepp@usc.salvationarmy.org
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Rake Up Green Bay - October 21-November 12
The Volunteer Center of Brown County invites volunteers, either individually or in teams, to provide the important service of raking the yards of community members who need our help the most. Once volunteers are matched with homeowners, volunteers will contact them to arrange a mutually agreeable day and time. Volunteers must fill out and submit the application, which is due by September 25. Matching will occur in early October and, once matched, we will provide you with details and next steps. The Volunteer Center can provide rakes, if needed. Click here for more information and to find the volunteer application.
Volunteer Center of Brown County - Ruth Paquin
920-600-0183, ruth@volunteergb.org
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Mediator Training - November 6-10
Train to become a mediator. The Mediation Center contracts with the Brown County Circuit Courts to provide mediation in small claims and family issues. They free up valuable space on our commissioners' and judges' court dockets. Learn a lifelong skill that you can use personally and professionally. Sessions: 8:30 am-3:30 pm each day. Minimum age: 21.
The Mediation Center of Greater Green Bay - Vicki Marotz
920-438-7067, director@mediationggb.org
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Acts 'n' Crafts Fair - November 10-11
On November 10, two to four volunteers are needed to help frame the booth areas, set up booths, and set up an entrance area where customers will come in. Shift: 2:00-5:00 pm.
On November 11:
- Five to six volunteers are needed for last-minute set-up and to help vendors bring their equipment and merchandise in, collect prizes, and set out garbage cans in the gym. Shift: 7:30-10:00 am.
- They will need 12-15 volunteers to take money at the entrance and admit people, help with the children’s area, hand out prize tickets, help in the kitchen by serving and handing out food, collect food orders from vendors, and direct traffic outside (warm clothes needed). Shift: 10:00 am-2:00 pm.
- Four to five volunteers are needed to assist with taking down the entrance-area table, cleaning the kitchen and meeting rooms, taking tape off the floor, helping vendors take items to their car, sweeping the floor, taking out garbage, and other duties as needed. Shift: 2:00-4:00 pm.
Location: Redeemer Lutheran Church, 210 S. Oneida St., Green Bay. Minimum age for all roles: 15.
Acts 1:8 Ministry - Vickie Nell
920-494-2289, vickienell@acts18.org
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Veterans Suicide Awareness March - November 11
Various roles are available. Registration volunteers will check in participants and hand out T-shirt/goody bags. Crosswalk attendants will ensure participants yield to traffic. 'Welcome back' volunteers will cheer and clap for participants as they arrive back to KI. Clean-up assistants will tear down and clean up the event. Shifts: 5:30-8:00 am (registration), 9:30 am-3:00 pm (crosswalks), 12:30-2:30 pm or 2:30-4:30 pm (welcome back), and 4:30-? pm (clean-up).
HOOAH WI - Hattie Liebman
920-371-0357, hliebman@hooahwi.org
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Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities | |
Homebound Meal Delivery Drivers
Pick up meals from the preparation site and deliver to elderly and disabled individuals who are home-bound in our community by following a delivery route sheet. Volunteers must make contact with each participant before dropping off the meal. You may deliver meals one day a week or one day every other week. Mileage reimbursement is offered. This is truly a very rewarding experience! Shift: 10:45 am-12:30 pm. Minimum age: 18.
Aging & Disability Resource Center of Brown County - Kimmee Dallmann
920-448-4393, kimberlee.dallmann@browncountywi.gov
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Various Volunteer Roles
The Brain Center of Green Bay is seeking passionate volunteers interested in 'making brains better' in our community. Opportunities vary in experience and time commitment. Various shifts. Minimum age: 18. Click here for more details.
Brain Center of Green Bay - Chris Vanden Hoogen
920-393-4084, chrisvandenhoogen@braincentergb.org
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Pals Program
Pals Program is a mentoring program of Brown County Health & Human Services. Various volunteer opportunities are available:
- Program coordinators are responsible for training volunteers and matching them with a Pal based on compatibility. Volunteers then spend time in a recreational or learning activity with their Pal.
- Volunteer mentors help the child adjust to the separation or loss of a parent, enhance self-esteem and confidence, and learn new skills.
- Volunteer coordinators provide support to matches as long as the volunteer and child are involved with the program.
Various shifts, one to three times per month. Minimum age: 18.
Brown County Volunteer Services - Judy Tilque
920-621-4160, judith.tilque@browncountywi.gov
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Grandparent Volunteers for Infant-Age 4 Classrooms
Volunteers are needed who would like to make a difference in a child’s life while also earning an hourly stipend. Volunteering takes place in an assigned classroom at one of seven five-star-rated Encompass
Early Education Child Care Centers in Brown County. This program joins together two generations, enhancing the quality of life for seniors by giving them a sense of purpose, while also giving children a consistent grandparent figure who encourages them in social play and classroom activities. Volunteers need to meet limited income guidelines as required by AmeriCorps Seniors (the program’s funding source). Shifts: minimum of five hours per week, flexible school-day hours. Minimum age: 55.
Encompass Early Education & Care - Deb Johnson
920-785-9710, djohnson@encompasswi.org
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Horse Leaders and Sidewalkers
Horse leaders control the equine during therapy and adaptive riding sessions and, with direction from the therapist or instructor, are responsible for maintaining a safe and effective session. Horse leaders must have previous horse experience through riding lessons, owning or leasing a horse, or other comparable experiences. Duties include leading the equine during sessions, grooming, tacking, and untacking, bringing in or turning out horses, basic barn chores, and other duties as needed.
Sidewalkers walk alongside the horse and rider and assist in keeping that rider safe during their session. Following direction from therapist, sidewalkers may be asked to engage with their riders and assist in therapeutic activities unique to each rider. Sidewalkers also assist in sanitizing equipment after each session, including helmets, belts, toys, and therapy equipment.
Weekday shifts for both roles, 9:00 am-7:00 pm. Minimum age: 14.
Exceptional Equestrians - Anna Splan
920-347-3174, asplan@exceptionalequestrians.org
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Outdoor Gardeners
Assistance is needed with the following duties: planting bulbs and perennials, cleaning up flower beds, weeding, mulching, staking plants, pruning, deadheading, sweeping, and raking leaves. Shifts: Tuesdays-Thursdays into November (weather permitting), 8:00-10:00 am, 10:30 am-12:00 pm, or 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Kids ages 12-15 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Green Bay Botanical Garden - Kate Martin
920-593-5686, kmartin@gbbg.org
Education Team
You don’t need to have a green thumb to join the Botanical Garden's volunteer team! With the new Bell Children's Garden opening, they are especially looking for volunteers interested in leading children’s tours. A love for kids and nature is all you need, and training is provided. And learning at the Garden is not just for kids, volunteers can help with adult tours and classes, too. Various shifts, most occur Monday-Friday during the day. Minimum age: 18.
Green Bay Botanical Garden - Kate Martin
920-491-3691, volunteer@gbbg.org
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Board of Directors Members
Hand-n-Hand is seeking motivated and creative individuals for their board of directors. Join them in their innovative efforts of creating an effective and supportive resource for families with children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Get involved with this unique organization, the only one of its kind in Northeast Wisconsin! Quarterly meetings, 6:30-8:00 pm in November, February, May, and August. Minimum age: 18.
Hand-n-Hand of Northeastern Wisconsin, Inc. - Jenny Geiken
920-737-0477, jlgeiken@hnhnew.org
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Field Trip Support Crew
Help field trip visitors get their day off to a good start at Heritage Hill State Historical Park! Members of this support crew will:
- Board school buses to welcome students
- Review park rules
- Help direct buses where to unload and park
- Help direct students/teachers where to put their lunches
Shifts: various weekday mornings through October, 8:45-10:00 am (roughly). Dates vary based on needs. Minimum age: 18.
Heritage Hill State Historical Park - Claire Gwaltney
920-448-5150, claire@heritagehillgb.org
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Childcare Pool
Howe is now able to offer childcare for their groups and classes. They are looking to establish a pool of childcare volunteers who can be called on to assist them. Various shifts; classes and groups are typically 5:30-7:00 pm, but may also occur on weekday mornings. Minimum age: 12 with parental supervision, 16 without supervision.
Howe Community Resource Center, Inc. - Amanda Johnson
920-448-7340, ajohnson2@gbaps.org
Cleaning Support
Howe is looking for a cleaner for their agency. Cleaning duties include two bathrooms, mopping of floors, and emptying garbages in five offices. Flexible shifts twice a week.
Howe Community Resource Center, Inc. - Amanda Johnson
920-448-7340, ajohnson2@gbaps.org
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Information Booth/Fresh Food Drive
Sit in the farmers market info booth tent and assist marketgoers by handing out maps and helping with other general information. Shifts: Wednesdays, 3:00-8:00 pm, through September 27.
On Broadway, Inc. - Quincy Fassbender
920-655-7525, quincy@onbroadway.org
50/50 Raffle Crew
Walk the farmers market selling 50/50 raffle tickets. This requires cash handling and socializing! Shifts: Wednesdays, 3:30-5:45 pm, through September 27.
On Broadway, Inc. - Quincy Fassbender
920-655-7525, quincy@onbroadway.org
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Outreach Volunteer
Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) volunteers educate Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers on how to prevent health care fraud and provide tips on how to protect themselves. SMP volunteers staff booths at health fairs/senior expos/resource events or give small group presentations. Various shifts.
Senior Medicare Patrol - Molly Kelly
608-335-8453, molly.kelly@gwaar.org
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Social Media Assistance
Shelter in the Storm is looking for a volunteer web designer and social media person to help keep up on posts and their website. Flexible shifts.
Shelter in the Storm - Tim Grom
847-840-1734, tgrom@shelterinthestorms.org
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Senior Program Drivers
Help get seniors to their lunch and games! Transport seniors to and from the Corps with Salvation Army vehicles. Shifts: Wednesdays, 9:30-11:00 am and 3:00-4:30 pm. Minimum age: 21.
The Salvation Army of Greater Green Bay - Michaela Koepp
920-593-2375, michaela.koepp@usc.salvationarmy.org
Food Service Dishwasher
Lunch is served on weekdays to members of the Salvation Army community, and they are looking for a dishwasher to help with their lunch program. Shift: Wednesdays, 10:45 am-12:45 pm. Minimum age: 18.
The Salvation Army of Greater Green Bay - Michaela Koepp
920-593-2375, michaela.koepp@usc.salvationarmy.org
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Resale Shoppe Volunteers
Unity Resale Shoppe, a part of Unity Hospice, would like volunteers to help with various duties, including accepting, cleaning, and sorting donations; pricing and staging merchandise on the sales floor; and working the cash register. Shifts: Mondays-Thursdays, 10:00 am-1:00 pm, 1:00-4:00 pm, and 4:00-6:00 pm; Fridays, 10:00 am-1:00 pm and 1:00-4:00 pm; and Saturdays, 10:00 am-2:00 pm. Individuals as young as 16 may volunteer with parental consent.
Unity Resale Shoppe, LLC - Paakou Vang
920-339-5501, pvang@unityhospice.org
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Shelter Volunteers
Help support the animal shelter! They are in need of animal care volunteers, dog walkers, laundry, enrichment, vet support, and off-site adoption center volunteers. Various shifts between 8:00 am-6:00 pm every day. Kids ages 13-15 must be accompanied by an adult. Click here to learn more about their program and how to become a volunteer!
Wisconsin Humane Society-Green Bay Campus - Katie Gut
920-469-3110, kgut@wihumane.org
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View and download September's Volunteer Times here.
This is a monthly compilation of a wide variety of volunteer opportunities.
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Affiliate Partner of the Week | |
Mission: To promote the Broadway District as Green Bay’s cultural core for entrepreneurs, creatives, residents and visitors to engage and succeed in a welcoming environment. | |
Broadway TrashForce - September 18
Help pick up trash throughout the Broadway District. Supplies provided. Shift: 5:30-6:30 pm.
Fall Fest on Broadway - October 7
Assist with various needs during the event. Various shifts. A great opportunity for high school students!
Farmers Market Information Booth/Fresh Food Drive/50-50 Raffle Crew
Hand out maps and help with other general information or walk the market selling raffle tickets (requires cash handling and socializing). Wednesdays through September 27.
Contact Quincy Fassbender at 920-655-7525 or quincy@onbroadway.org
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Please consider donating needed items to these area nonprofits.
Thank you!
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More from the Volunteer Center | | | | |