February is a month of love and appreciation, and we want to take a moment to thank all of our amazing volunteers for their hard work and dedication. Without you, we wouldn't be able to make the impact we do in our community. Your commitment to Cleveland Metroparks is truly heartwarming. Thank you for making a difference and spreading love all around our parks and Zoo!
Photo: CanalWay Center, Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation
Our Award Winning Volunteer Program!
Congratulations to our very own Lynne Lisner, Director of Volunteer Services, for winning the 2023 Volunteer Administrator of the Year Award! Each year, the Forum for Volunteer Administrators (FVA) acknowledges the outstanding work and commitment of a distinguished volunteer administrator. She was set apart by her work with the Employee Volunteer Program, Volunteer Recycling Program, and the creation of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility-focused volunteer events. We are so grateful for Lynne's exceptional leadership and unwavering dedication to the volunteers of Cleveland Metroparks!
Additionally, Cleveland Metroparks was awarded the Pillar Award for Community Service! This award was in recognition of our outstanding Employee Volunteer Program. The Employee Volunteer Program at Cleveland Metroparks encourages employees to become involved in their communities, lending their voluntary support to programs and causes they believe in that positively impact the quality of life within these communities.
Photo: Volunteer Services Team (Macy Salem, Emily Baar, Madi Howard, Lynne Lisner, Molly Tarase, Kelley Sadosky, James Bluher)
Trail Ambassador recruitment is open through February to current Cleveland Metroparks volunteers!

We are looking for friendly, helpful people who are knowledgeable and experienced with Cleveland Metroparks trails and reservations. The Trail Ambassador program requires volunteers to donate at least 40 hours per year, including attending required training sessions. Since Trail Ambassadors are often first on the scene when a guest is in distress, all volunteers are required to be First Aid and CPR certified (training provided).
Steps to Become a Trail Ambassador Volunteer
  • Check out this short video and informational sheet to learn more about the Trail Ambassador program.
  • Participate in a phone interview by the end of February 2024. Sign-ups are available in Volgistics under TA Interview.
  • Become CPR/AED/First Aid certified by attending one of the many classes offered through Cleveland Metroparks or provide proof of certification from an outside organization. 
  • Complete online training and attend a mandatory in-person session on April 4, 2024, at 6 PM.
  • Complete at least one training shift with an assigned mentor.
Thank you for considering joining this valuable and rewarding volunteer program!
Every spring and fall, millions of birds migrate through Ohio on their way between their breeding and overwintering grounds. During these migrations, birds are injured as a result of accidental collisions with reflective glass. The Lights Out Cleveland project is looking for volunteer help during migratory bird seasons to gather data on bird collisions. 
Volunteers will walk in small teams to survey along established street routes in downtown Cleveland to record the occurrence of and to collect deceased or injured birds for rehabilitation by the Lake Erie Nature Science Center. This program will begin March 15th with daily shifts until June 15th. Teams begin surveys just before sunrise until 8:30am. Expect to walk up to 5-7 miles per shift. We ask volunteers to be prepared to support a minimum of 3-4 shifts per month or 9-12 total over the season. This project requires filling over 500 shifts in total, therefore we need a dedicated group to accomplish spring migration surveys. 

Data collected through Lights Out Cleveland provides information to understand the causes of bird-building collisions. Rehabilitated birds provide opportunities to understand migration patterns and how birds use Cleveland Metroparks, and the Cleveland metropolitan area. 

If you are interested in this assignment, please contact Naturalist Jake Kudrna for more information. 
Friendly welcome desk volunteers are needed to help at the Rocky River Nature Center, the Watershed Stewardship Center, and the CanalWay Center. Welcome Desk volunteers will greet guests, answer general questions in person or over the phone, hand out literature, and help with crowd control. No experience is necessary, just a smiling face!

Shift Openings:
Rocky River Nature Center - Saturday afternoons
Watershed Stewardship Center - Tuesday and Saturday mornings
CanalWay Center - Sundays, Wednesday mornings, and every other Friday

If interested, please contact the corresponding staff member below.
Cleveland Metroparks' Watershed Volunteer Program (WVP) is an effort to engage Northeast Ohio residents in protecting their local watersheds. The program offers activities in learning, monitoring, restoration, and outreach. 

Volunteers will have the opportunity to customize their own Watershed Steward journey by choosing projects and activities that reflect their interests in watershed science, the ability to complete an optional Watershed Stewardship Certification, and opportunities to pursue independent projects to further their involvement. 

Please contact the WVP team if you're interested!
Mobile Outreach is searching for some behind-the-scenes assistance with animal care duties for their box turtles. Duties include cleaning and maintaining tanks and habitats, feeding and occasionally handling animals, and recording animal care and behavior.

Shifts are weekly on Wednesdays for one hour, and the shift is flexible between the hours of 8 AM - 4 PM at the Ohio & Erie Canal Management Center (6100 W. Canal Rd, Cleveland). If you are interested in becoming an Animal Care Assistant and are comfortable working with box turtles, please contact Phoebe Atkinson to discuss the assignment further.
Volunteers are needed to assist Brecksville Nature Center staff in protecting frogs and salamanders during their spring migration. The migration takes place on rainy nights when it’s above 40 (and yes, we will need to be out in the cold and rain until late at night!).
If you are interested, please attend a mandatory training session on Sunday, February 18 at 2 PM or Tuesday, February 20 at 6 PM at the Trailside Program Center (near Brecksville Nature Center). Please email Kelly McGinnis to sign up!
The CanalWay Center in Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation is looking for volunteers to help at the Fight the Frost event on Saturday, February 10.

This special event has both indoor and outdoor activities. Volunteers are needed to caboose afternoon hikes, assist with the campfire, and hand out s'mores supplies.

Please contact Jill Hauger to learn more about the available positions.
Protect Yourself from Phishing Scams
Phishing is when someone uses fake emails or texts – even phone calls – to get you to share valuable personal information, like account numbers, Social Security numbers, or your login IDs and passwords. Scammers use this information to steal your money, your identity, or both. They may also try to get access to your computer or network. If you click on a link in one of these emails or texts, they can install ransomware or other programs that lock you out of your data and let them steal your personal information.

Scammers often use familiar company names or pretend to be someone you know. They pressure you to act now – or something bad will happen.

The Federal Trade Commission's infographic, developed with the American Bankers Association Foundation, offers tips to help you recognize the bait, avoid the hook, and report phishing scams.
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo's Amur Tiger Cubs Make Public Debut
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo’s two Amur tiger cubs made their public debut on Wednesday, January 31. The Zoo announced a public naming opportunity for the two cubs to support wildlife conservation.
4500 Valley Parkway, Fairview Park, OH 44126