Please consider joining a Serve Team today!

We have serve teams that support our worship staff and help facilitate Sunday worship services through word, hospitality, and audio/visual support. Each serve team member is a vital part of worship at MPUMC, and we are grateful for every one! You do not need experience in any area to sign up; we can train you! Please see below for descriptions of the serve team positions for each of our worship services, as well as links to a brief form to help us compile serve area preferences.* Mark Hadden and Nicole Elsey will partner with the serve team leaders to get you trained and scheduled for worship.

*Traditional Worship Serve Team Descriptions

*Traditional Worship Serve Team Form

*Contemporary Worship Serve Team Descriptions

*Contemporary Worship Serve Team Form

*If you are already serving, we would appreciate it if you would still complete the form, so that we can have everyone's preferences in the same place.

Nursery, Youth, and VBS Volunteers

We also need more volunteers for nursery, youth, and VBS. See below for contact info for Hope Lewellen and Kathy Slaton. Thank you for your consideration!

Contact info for questions:

Mark Hadden - Traditional Worship: [email protected]

Nicole Elsey - Contemporary Worship: [email protected]

Hope Lewellen - Youth and VBS: [email protected]

Kathy Slaton - Nursery: [email protected]

David Hargette - Traditional Worship Ushers: [email protected]

Betsy Jenkins - Traditional Worship Greeters: [email protected]

Mountain Park United Methodist Church | (770) 921-8512