Let's Finish Strong!


Dear Friends & Members of the Duval County Democratic Black Caucus,


We have come a long way in this election but must finish strong. The fight for a better future for our community is not over yet, and we need everyone's help to ensure that every vote is counted.


We urgently need volunteers to make phone calls from our open phone bank. If you are unsure of how to make these calls, please review the presentation on how to do them. We need your help in this crucial fight.


Currently, the statistics for voter turnout are as follows: Democratic votes are at 58,406, Republican votes are at 52,422, non-party affiliation votes are at 14,277, and other votes are at 1,432. We need your help to get out the vote and ensure every voice is heard.


Tomorrow is Election Day, and we must ensure everyone eligible to vote gets out and votes. If you need help finding your polling location, please click on this link: https://www.duvalelections.com/Voter-Information/Precinct-Finder#where


Let's unite and ensure our community is represented by leaders who will work for our best interests.


Thank you for your dedication and support.


VPB Phone Bank Presentation
Open VPB link

Talking Points To Get Friends Involved

  • Every vote counts - by volunteering with us, you can help ensure that every eligible voter has the opportunity to cast their ballot and make their voice heard.


  • Voter suppression is real - unfortunately, some people and groups try to prevent certain communities from voting. By volunteering with us, you can help fight back against voter suppression and ensure that everyone has access to the ballot box.


  • The stakes are high - in every election, there are important issues and candidates on the ballot that will impact our communities for years to come. By volunteering with us, you can help ensure that we elect leaders who will fight for our values and priorities.

  • It's easy to get involved - whether you have a lot of time to give or just a few hours here and there, we have opportunities for volunteers at all levels of commitment. 

  • Our democracy depends on it - at its core, democracy is about participation and representation. Volunteering with us and helping to get out the vote is crucial in strengthening our democracy and ensuring everyone's voice is heard.

Thank you for all that you do!


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require any guidance. I am always here to help and would happily assist you in any way I can.

For a faster response, please don't hesitate to send me a text.


James J. Morton


Duval County Democratic Black Caucus


[email protected]

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