Volunteer for St. Mark's Bookshop's Advisory Committee
Dear Loyal Supporter,
IT'S NO SECRET the entire book industry is experiencing change propelled by publisher mergers, the business practices of Amazon and most importantly innovations in the media through which people interact with books. In response, bookstores must change too.
St. Mark's Bookshop is presently immersed in this change. We seek to relocate to a new space and while we're at it, reinvigorate the shop's identity. Our vision includes the kind of curated, progressive selection of titles in literature, poetry, politics, critical theory, small press publications and hard-to-find journals and magazines our customers have come to expect to find on our shelves.
We also envision a hybrid organization that would present nonprofit arts programming, including a comprehensive roster of author events, lectures and literary gatherings housed by a community-supported bookstore, a physical brick-and-mortar space where people meet, discuss ideas, browse, discover and enjoy non-electronic books and publications and listen to great writers present their work.
We're passionate about this future and hope you will help us get there. Here's how you can get involved in launching the new St. Mark's Bookshop.
We need individuals
- people with expertise in marketing and in the following sub-specialties: social media, public relations and communication campaign strategy. Two to eight hours per month, September-December.
- educators/academics, readers and writers to be our advocates. Get on our growing mailing list, follow us on Twitter and Facebook and share news about St. Mark's Bookshop with your personal and professional networks. Help to get out the word about upcoming events and key dates announced in our newsletter, September 2013 forward.
- community networkers - who do you know? Help St. Mark's Bookshop connect with advocates throughout the city, the rest of the country and across the globe. September 2013 on.
For more information reply to us at stmarksbooks@gmail.com
Look for updates in mid September and throughout the rest of 2013. We will announce our new location soon!
And please drop by the bookshop. We remain committed to the East Village community and local writers. We encourage everyone that the best way to ensure the survival of all independent bookstores is by buying books. We are looking forward to a season of great and positive change!
Thank you!
St. Marks Bookshop
31 Third Avenue (at 9th Street)
New York, NY 10003
(212)260-7853 stmarksbooks@mindspring.com subway: 6 to Astor Place, N/R to 8th Street, L to 14th St/3rd Avenue