Volunteer News | October 28, 2022
Volunteers Embrace a Busy October
Dear CRC Volunteer,

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." - L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables)

October really does have all the fun. Cool, crisp evenings, surprise rainstorms and even some hot days (for those of you not ready to let go of summer). Baseball playoffs (RIP Padres season), football games, changing leaves, pumpkin spice everything, several holidays.

Here at CRC, volunteers, staff and donors have been busy this month creating change and looking to an exciting future!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month, and our DV programs have been providing prevention and advocacy trainings as well as resources to the community. Our shelter continues to house those who need a safe place.

Our Food Pantry continues to provide groceries to those who need that assistance and ready-to-eat foods for those without a kitchen available to them.

Our Resale Stores are hitting record sales numbers thanks in large part to our dedicated volunteers - that money supports our programs that help others.

And, on October 23rd, CRC held a fun Community Event to celebrate all that we have been able to do and look ahead to a newly launched Capital Campaign.

Read on to see in detail the many ways that volunteers continue to make a difference!

Sara Rosenbaum, CVA
CRC Volunteer Manager

Wearing PURPLE - the advocacy color for DV Awareness
Volunteer News
October 23 Community Celebration
Community Resource Center gathered with staff and community supporters at Coastal Roots Farm on October 23rd for a festive celebration. Guests were treated to popcorn, Mahalo shaved ice, drinks, music, crafts and other fun activities. CEO John Van Cleef as well as members of the Board shared our vision for a new downtown building that provides a larger food pantry, a more private waiting area for our clients, and an upgraded office space for staff. Check out more about the capital campaign here!

Thank you to all the volunteers who came out to make the event a success! From set up, to registration, to helping in a booth, to tear down, and as guests - it was amazing to see all the support and hard work!
Party for a Cause!
Three Holiday Baskets volunteers hosted a " Bubbles and Blankets" brunch on October 1st. They invited friends to attend and donate a blanket to this year's Holiday Baskets distribution event. Picture below on the left are Stacy Prida, HB Coordinator Cathie Byrd, Geri Tscherne and Lisa Whitmore. We have now collected enough blankets for each family to receive one, if not two, blankets to warm their homes this holiday season. Thank you, ladies!
St. Mark's Provides Yearly Deep Clean
Thank you to St. Mark's Lutheran Church for their annual deep clean of the Food and Nutrition Center!

A smiling crew came out on October 2nd to go through expired food items and deep clean the windows and surfaces to keep it sparkling for our participants. St. Marks also holds a yearly food drive for the Food Pantry. We are grateful for their support and partnership!
Domestic Violence Advocacy
Volunteers tabled a booth for CRC at an Exposure Skate event October 22nd and 23rd. This event raised over $5,000 for CRC's Domestic Violence Programs. Thank you to the volunteers who represented our mission and shared information with those who needed it! Pictured: Kristin Springborn, Verona Endrizzi. Not pictured: Leah Sorensen, Angela Gomez, Carlos Alburto, Susan Greene, Freni Kadimi
Volunteers and Staff participated in a 4-Hour Domestic Violence Training opportunity on Friday, October 14th. This short but powerful training goes over the definition and causes of DV, and ways we can advocate and support. The training highlights challenges and heart wrenching scenarios that those experiencing domestic violence can face. It also goes over the many ways that CRC provides hope.
Did You Know? CRC has business cards with information on receiving services for domestic violence intervention, as well as for homelessness and hunger. You can pick them up at our front desk at the office at 650 2nd Street and have them on hand as a valuable resource when needed. To learn more about all of our DV services, check out our website!
Volunteer of the Year!
Congratulations to CRC's Volunteer of the Year, Anne Fujioka!

Anne was nominated by CRC staff and endorsed by leadership for her compassionate and ongoing display of our mission in the following ways: 

Anne supports the FNC pantry in any capacity that she can. She is an excellent lead for her volunteer team, always making sure she has a full team of volunteers to support the day’s operations ahead. She has taken on the initiative to learn about all the FNC roles and is able to jump in wherever when needed. She truly cares about serving our participants in a dignified manner and has formed caring relationships with many CRC clients.

Anne's role as Holiday Baskets senior bag captain has been a steady and dependable part of HB for many years. She and her volunteer team manage, every year, to produce beautiful bags of holiday goodies for seniors in need. We appreciate her calm demeanor, especially with Holiday Baskets which can, at times, be VERY chaotic!

Anne has been helpful in her willingness to be filmed for our Week of Hope videos a few years ago. She is not only a steadfast volunteer in the pantry, but a great communicator on why it’s so critical to have a pantry that is health and nutrition oriented.

FNC Manager Yanira Alonso and Volunteer Manager Sara Rosenbaum were able to celebrate this recognition with Anne and her husband Ken at the North County Philanthropy Council Awards luncheon on October 28th.
Get Involved
Interested in getting involved with CRC's 40th Holiday Baskets Distribution? Check out our website for more information! We now have a limited number of volunteer opportunities available for pre-distribution on December 3rd and 4th, Distribution on December 10th (these are 5 am shifts) and a Backpack distribution on December 13th (6 am shifts) - if you'd like to hear more about the open spots, email our scheduling assistant.
Volunteer Fresh Rescue Truck Driver Support Needed! Once again we have an opening for a Monday volunteer to ride along with our truck driver to provide assistance. This role requires someone who can lift 25-50 pounds multiple times in a few hours, enjoys riding in large trucks, and can keep up with our staff banter. If interested, email our Volunteer Manager.
Join the CRC Staff (Temporarily)! CRC is looking to fill the position of Food and Nutrition Manager temporarily while our current staff person is on leave. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more, check out our online posting here! To inquire, email our HR Coordinator.
If you have a good story of volunteering, please share with me at [email protected]. I can include those stories in future newsletters as an encouragement to our team.  
If you know of anyone in need of food, housing or shelter, please pass along this link to information on how we can help: crcncc.org/integrative-services/
Community Resource Center
(760) 230-6501| [email protected] | CRCNCC.org