Volunteer News | May 26, 2022
Volunteers Make the World Brighter
Dear CRC Volunteer,

May gray. You know what I’m talking about. When April has been glorious and you’ve maybe even paddled out a time or two without a wetsuit. And then May hits, and mornings are cold, soggy, and cloudy and everyone feels a bit melancholy.  

I admit there are days lately when the world seems a bit darker and a bit cold as well. But then, just like the sun peaks out from the clouds on a May afternoon, I am reminded of the good things. Businesses that promote philanthropy in their staff. Teens who give up their time on a Saturday to sort food donations for those in need. People who decide to do something about the hardships they see around them and who step up to serve an organization like CRC in whatever ways are needed. 

This is why I love my job. We had the privilege this month to celebrate our volunteer team and highlight the impact YOU make and the brightness you bring. Thank you for valuing others and partnering with us to bring dignity and help to those who need it.

I hope you are encouraged by the work you see around you as I am! 

Sara Rosenbaum,
CRC Volunteer Manager
Volunteer News
Postal Food Drive

After two years of being virtual, the US Postal Service hosted its Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive in person on May 14th. Thank you to the incredible volunteers who came out on a Saturday to sort through the food donations at both the Encinitas and the Solana Beach Post offices! The volunteers got some vitamin D and had fun competing for gift certificates for whoever found the oldest donation (this year, it was from 2011!). While the drive brought in less food than in years past, the Food Pantry still will have over 2100 pounds of canned goods to add to its shelves from the drive. A special thank you to our volunteer "Food Captains" Jim Elliot and Karen Inouye for coming out in a leadership capacity, and to Target and the Encinitas Coastal Rotary for sending out groups!
Volunteer Appreciation Event
Thank you all who came out to our Volunteer Appreciation Event on May 12th! We were fortunate to host it at the beautiful Coastal Roots Farm, who donates to our Food Pantry and is a valued partner. Nearly 80 of you came out to enjoy food, drink, fun ice breakers and games, mingling and the stunning location. Staff shared the impact that volunteers make on our programs and for those we serve, and CEO John Van Cleef shared about our upcoming capital campaign and building remodel plans. It was a nice opportunity for staff to be the "volunteers" for the evening and to serve our incredible team. We can’t wait for next year! 

Check out our recap video with more photos here:
Bitchin' Sauce Partnership
Local business and delicious vegan dip creator, Bitchin' Sauce, partnered up with CRC for the month of May. Bitchin’ staff came out to support both the Annual Tea fundraiser as well as our Resale stores and provided lots of sauces for staff and volunteers. Bitchin' is one of many organizations who promote volunteerism amongst their staff, and we think that is awesome!
Staff Shout-Out!
Congratulations to Mary Cunningham, San Marcos Resale Store Manager! Mary has been selected by the North Coastal Consortium for Special Education for an "Excellence in Special Education Award" in the "Employer" category.

CRC partners with the San Marcos Unified School District's Workability Program, which provides opportunities for students with special needs to get life and work experience out in the public. When a student is assigned to San Marcos, Mary welcomes them to her store, and provides training and oversight with patience and kindness. She is the reason that the program coordinator comes back to us again and again through a relationship of trust and respect. 

Mary was recognized at an awards ceremony on May 25th. Thank you, Mary, for representing CRC values so well! (Mary pictured center, with volunteers Joseline and Kaydee).
Volunteer of the Month
Congratulations Christina Soto!

Christina was nominated by CRC Chief Program Officer, Rebecca Nussbaum and Data Analyst Shakira Williams. Christina has done some phenomenal work as our Data Specialist Intern from fall until present. She has created a trending dashboard for the agency, assisted with enrollments for Holiday Baskets 2021, and helped in coordinating and analyzing our feedback surveys including from our FNC program. Christina has also supported a huge data migration project. She has been an incredible asset to our Data Team!
Volunteer Opportunities
There are no new opportunities at this time. We will email our active volunteer database if anything becomes available. Thank you!
If you know of anyone in need of food, housing or shelter, please pass along this link to information on how we can help: crcncc.org/integrative-services/
If you have a good story of volunteering, please share with me at [email protected]. I can include those stories in future newsletters as an encouragement to our team.  
Community Resource Center
(760) 230-6501| [email protected] | CRCNCC.org