
Volunteer Opportunities

The following opportunities are available to volunteer on Zoning Board of Appeals and the Park and Recreation Commission.

Application process:

  • submit letter of interest indicating the position that you would like to be considered for and why you are interested, to ReddingDems@gmail.com by November 30th.

  • interviews with the DTC Nominating Committee will be scheduled with the intent of presenting nominees for a vote by the DTC during its December 15 meeting.

  • after endorsement by the DTC, the nominees will be presented to the Board of Selectman who will make the appointment(s).

Thank you for your interest.

Zoning Board of Appeals

The Zoning Board of Appeals, as empowered by state statute, may grant variance to the Zoning Regulations when literal application of those regulations produces undue hardship because of the physical characteristics of the property. Many of the applications are for setback variances to allow for additions, pools, and driveways. The ZBA may require the applicant to meet stipulations such as screening to minimize impact on neighboring properties.

The ZBA was created to decide if the hardship that is causing the request for variance is truly unique to that property. ZBA is also tasked with promoting safety in its decisions, and not setting a precedent that may be called into question at a later date.

One alternate position is available. The person appointed will hold the position until November 18, 2025.

The ideal candidate is an independent thinker, willing to read and understand the zoning regulations specific to the application that will be heard. At times an independent site visit is required to gain a better understanding of the application.

Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month (or as posted), at 7:30 p.m., at Town Hall. Learn More Here

Park and Recreation Commission

The Commission is charged with the control, development, management, operation and maintenance of a system of Town recreation programs, parks, recreational areas and facilities, and the supervision, development and maintenance of the playgrounds, recreation centers and other recreation and park activities, areas and facilities and the power to expend for these purposes any funds appropriated in accordance with law for such purposes.

The ideal candidate is a person with an active interest in recreation programs and facilities willing to work independently, as well as cooperatively, to make a positive impact that reaches every member of the community. While the Commission meets once a month, the candidate should be willing to spend 2-3 hours per month on specific work related to sub-committee activities or participatory attendance at Town events.  

Meetings are held on the 1st Monday of every month (or as posted) in the Community Center (or online as posted). 

There are up to two vacancies available on the 9-person board. Learn More Here


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