HC DrugFree is Looking for Volunteers
HC DrugFree will be providing Tobacco Retailer Training to educate retailers on the importance of not selling tobacco products to minors. We are looking for adult volunteers who are willing to make phone calls to retailers on our list to gather information and insert the information into an Excel document.

Work can be done from home and needs to be completed by 12/20.

If you are detail-oriented with good Excel skills
and are interested in helping us contact retailers on our list, please call our office at 443-325-0040 Monday through Friday between 10 AM and 3 PM or email [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your help!
For more information, contact
Joan Webb Scornaienchi,  Executive Director
HC DrugFree
Wilde Lake Village Center
5305 Village Center Drive, Suite 206
Columbia, MD 21044
Help us to be able to continue providing invaluable information and resources to the community - DONATE TODAY!  We thank you in advance for your support.
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