1. Approval of meeting minutes from November meeting – The minutes were dispersed and reviewed. Dr. Patel motioned to approve the minutes, and it was seconded by Dr. Kometas.
2. Treasurer’s Report – Dr. Thayer discussed the financial report. PNC Business Checking = $26,317.70; Money Market = $51,098.01. Dr. MacIntyre asked if the association tax information was turned in to the accountant and Dr. Thayer said it was submitted to Martin, Klayer and Associates.
3. Dues Update – 49 members have paid their dues.
4. Web Updates – Web updates have been completed to include current paid members in the “Find a Dentist” section of our website.
5. Dr. R. Westberry addressed the board voicing dissatisfaction with the current speaker line-up. He would like to see the board bring in better speakers that are more clinically based.
6. All-Day McGill Seminar – LPGA will host the seminar on February 10, 2017. A light continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.
7. Sponsorship Updates – Sponsors are being sought for the all-day McGill seminar. Dr. MacIntyre said he would contact Patterson for a potential sponsorship.
8. Member Benefit – Marketing the association “Is your dentist a member” of the VFCDA? Dr. Patel will put together a marketing plan.
9 Access to Care Survey – Dr. David Lloyd handed out a survey concerning access to dental care in our community.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:22pm