January 2017 Newsletter
Greetings VFCDA Member! Welcome to your January 2017 Newsletter!
Upcoming 2017 VFCDA Events:
HIPAA/OSHA Regulations
by Linda Harvey
Tuesday, January 3rd - 2017

About Linda Harvey:  As president and founder of The Linda Harvey Group, Linda M. Harvey, RDH, MS, LHRM, DFASHRM leverages her unique credentials and expertise to help you and your staff significantly reduce risk and legal liability in your practice.  

LPGA International
6:00pm - 7:00pm Social Hour
7:00pm - 9pm Dinner/Meeting

Achieving Financial Independence
by John K. McGill
Friday, February 10th - 2017

About John K. McGill:  John is a nationally prominent tax attorney and CPA who has specialized in dealing exclusively with the dental profession for more than 30 years. He is President of John K. McGill & Company, Inc. RSVP Deadline: Feb, 6th.

LPGA International
Check-In: 8:00am - 9:00am
Lunch: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Seminar: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Practice Transitions & How They Happen
by Dr. Paul Rang DMD, JD & Mr. Skip Stamper
Tuesday, March 7th - 2017

About Dr. Paul Rang:  Paul represents ADS Florida for Central and North Florida. Paul received his dental and law degrees from the University of Florida. He practiced dentistry in Orlando for 12 years.  

LPGA International
6:00pm - 7:00pm Social Hour
7:00pm - 9pm Dinner/Meeting

Dental Accounting
by Mr. Dennis Raposa
Tuesday, April 7th - 2017

About Dennis Raposa: Co-founder of a peer reviewed CPA firm, Raposa, Perry, Young, LLC.
Specialties:  Financial Statement Auditing, Internal Auditing Litigation Support.

LPGA International
6:00pm - 7:00pm Social Hour
7:00pm - 9pm Dinner/Meeting

VFCDA Installation Banquet 
Thursday, May 4th - 2017

Annual Volusia Flagler County Dental Association Installation Banquet.

LPGA International
6:00pm - 9:00pm Social Hour

2016 - 2017 Member Dues Payment!
Still haven't paid your 2016/17 Dues? It's so simple! Click on the link below & get paid up.

New Meeting Location!
Please take note - the location/venue for our meetings has changed.
We will now be meeting at:

LPGA International Clubhouse Banquet Rooms
1000 Champions Dr.
Daytona Beach, FL 32124

Executive Board Meeting Minutes: Dec 6th, 2016

The Volusia-Flagler County Dental Association Executive Committee convened at 5:49pm

Members present:  Dr. Sandeep Patel (President), Dr. Athas Kometas (Vice-President), Dr. Rod MacIntyre (Secretary), Dr. Roger Thayer (Treasurer), Dr. Bryan Bergens (CFDDA President-Elect), Dr. David Lloyd

Points of Discussion:

1. Approval of meeting minutes from November meeting – The minutes were dispersed and reviewed.  Dr. Patel motioned to approve the minutes, and it was seconded by Dr. Kometas. 

2. Treasurer’s Report – Dr. Thayer discussed the financial report.  PNC Business Checking = $26,317.70; Money Market = $51,098.01.  Dr. MacIntyre asked if the association tax information was turned in to the accountant and Dr. Thayer said it was submitted to Martin, Klayer and Associates.

3. Dues Update – 49 members have paid their dues.

4. Web Updates – Web updates have been completed to include current paid members in the “Find a Dentist” section of our website.

5. Dr. R. Westberry addressed the board voicing dissatisfaction with the current speaker line-up.  He would like to see the board bring in better speakers that are more clinically based.

6. All-Day McGill Seminar – LPGA will host the seminar on February 10, 2017.  A light continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.

7. Sponsorship Updates – Sponsors are being sought for the all-day McGill seminar. Dr. MacIntyre said he would contact Patterson for a potential sponsorship.

8. Member Benefit – Marketing the association “Is your dentist a member” of the VFCDA?  Dr. Patel will put together a marketing plan.

9 Access to Care Survey – Dr. David Lloyd handed out a survey concerning access to dental care in our community.

                                                      Meeting was adjourned at 6:22pm

Volusia-Flagler County Dental Association Officers:
President:  Dr. Sandeep Patel
Vice President:  Dr. Athas Kometas
Secretary:  Dr. Roderick MacIntyre
Treasurer:  Dr. Roger Thayer
Immediate Past President:  Dr. Scott Lawson

Dr. Roderick MacIntyre
Dr. Sandeep Patel
Dr. Dusanka Angelov

Alternate Delegates:
Dr. Bryan Bergens
Dr. Gregory Johnston
Dr. Roger Thayer

Affiliate Representative to CFDDA:
Dr. Gregory Johnston

Central Florida District Dental Association Officers (2016-17):
President: Dr. Lee Anne Keough           
President Elect: Dr. Bryan Bergens
Trustee to the FDA: Dr. Howard Pranikoff
Featured Articles:
• Top 50 Year End Tax Planning Strategies

• Inside-out Ergonomics
by Jeff Huston D.D.S. - Click here to read the article!
VFCDA Website & Newsletter by: Brian Brown | For Marketing Services email: brianbrowndesigns@gmail.com