The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range program that identifies transportation projects to be implemented in the Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WAMPO) region.
The TIP includes a list of priority projects to be implemented over a four-year period. It may include capital construction projects, like bridge repairs and replacements, road-preservation work, and construction of new bicycle facilities, as well as non-construction activities, such as purchasing replacement transit buses and technology projects.
The TIP illustrates how communities in the our region are working together with the State of Kansas and WAMPO to invest federal, state, and local tax dollars in the transportation system. The projects implement WAMPO's long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan – Reimagined MOVE 2040 - which defines the vision and goals for the region’s transportation system.
The TIP process consists of:
- Soliciting projects from cities, counties, the State of Kansas, and Wichita Transit;
- Screening the projects;
- Selecting some projects to be funded with federal money that WAMPO has been given the responsibility of allocating;
- Compiling lists of regional non-WAMPO-funded and WAMPO-funded projects;
- Sharing all projects with the public for review and comment;
- Submitting to the WAMPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Transportation Policy Body (TPB) for consideration; then
- Forwarding the approved version of the WAMPO TIP for incorporation into the Kansas Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
Currently, project requests for the FFY2023-FFY2026 TIP have been submitted and received, and are under consideration for funding. The table below summarizes the current processing schedule: