NR151 Update
In my travels on Monday, on the way to Sunbow Farms to view a manure system, the drive across Wisconsin allowed me time reflect back on the past 4 months of meetings on NR151 for WAPAC members.
NR151 is a rule that focuses strictly on the shallow soils areas within the northeast part of Wisconsin regarding karst soils. This work group is composed of hydrogeologists, UW Extension, county land conservation staff, crop consultants, geologists and the department of agriculture trade and consumer protection officials. The first meeting began in February during the subzero weather and has been meeting monthly for the past 4 months. The group has invited several experts to come and discuss methods of bedrock mapping, different systems of bedrock mapping and the unique tools used to verify soil depths. These tools include the use of electrical conductivity, magnetic conductivity, seismic resistance, push probes and backhoes. We have discussed the methods that the counties, crop advisors and the Department of Transportation have been using to verify soil depth within the fields. This schedule of meetings will last for approximately 18 meetings or more until this rule is drafted. As we enter the beginning of this process, the next few months will become important to stay tuned and ask questions of the workgroup members.
Nathen Nysse