Wildwood Area Recreation Association
2 New London Drive
Lynchburg, VA 24502
In these uncertain times regarding the Coronavirus, I want to assure you we are monitoring the situation. Let's all pray for the curve to flatten and sunny days ahead at our favorite pool!
We are moving forward getting the pool ready for the season. The pool cover will come off in a week, chemicals have been ordered and we are working on some improvements to the facility.
We have extended our dues deadline to May 15 to help those who need a little extra time in paying their dues.
Dues will remain the same as last year. We will again offer
a SINGLE MEMBERSHIP for $250. This is for a one person household and you will NOT be issued any other passes other than for yourself. You are required to own a share of stock. You may still have guests but they will need to pay the $5 guest fee. There is a limit of 20 of these single membership and is based on first come, first serve.
Family memberships are $450 with a minimum of 4 passes. Senior memberships are for those age 60 and above and will only be issued a maximum of 4 guests passes. If seniors have other family members living with them, they will need to pay the family membership rate.
This year we welcome Will Ratliff as our new pool manager. Will comes from Tennessee where he ran an indoor and outdoor pool for the YMCA. We look forward to having him step into this position.
We also welcome Shonda Roberts to our board as our Activities Director. Shonda is full of energy and has years of event planning experience. We are grateful she has come on board with us.
Be sure to sign up for our text messaging service. You must sign up to be added but these texts will keep you informed of closings, swim meets, and fun activities you won't want to miss. To sign up, visit: https://www.remind.com/join/wildwoodp.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we look forward to seeing you all at the pool!
We are reaching out to all members to see who is interested in volunteering to help at the pool and get involved. Board members work very hard all year getting the pool ready for members, putting on activities and much more behind the scene. But we CANNOT do it all. And quite frankly, many have gotten burnt out. If we have to add paid positions for many of the things we do, your fees most likely will increase. It is not fair for our board members to VOLUNTEER their time so that ALL stockholders can enjoy the season. So I am reaching out to see if our members have skills, talents and resources to help us make these improvements. Think about these things and see if you have the ability to: * Volunteer time for Activities * Build (Construction) * Painting * Floor Work * Raise Funds * Electrical * AC Experience (our guard shack could use some much needed AC) * Water Line Repair * Paving * Landscaping * The list could go on and on. I have had members ask for us to supply Daily Guest Passes for free. We will not do that but guess what? If you volunteer and provide much needed services, we are willing to reward you with some daily guest passes. As an incentive to increase participation in our clean-up days to get the pool ready to open, we are offering 5 free guest passes (a $25 value) to members that show up for one or both of our work days (you will receive 5 free guests passes for each day worked). We have powerful pressure washers with cords strung across the deck so for the safety of all, please leave young children at home. The workdays are scheduled for: Saturday, May 2 from 8:00 am until noon Saturday, May 9 from 8:00 am until noon |
 Keep informed about pool closings, special events and more. Sign up to receive text messages. Click on the link below to add your mobile number. https://www.remind.com/join/wildwoodp |
Welcome to the 2020 Summer Season!
My name is Will Ratliff, and I am extremely excited to take on the new role as Pool Manager this summer. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you.
I have over thirteen (13) years of pool operating experience in Tennessee at the YMCA. I have trained lifeguards and taught swimming lessons.
Currently, I am the Assistant Basketball Coach at Brookville High School. I played basketball in high school and college and also played professional basketball. I love to cook and have owned my own lawn care business.
We have a lot of exciting events planned and even ways to get the lifeguards more involved with the members. My goal this summer to make sure our members feel as comfortable and as safe as possible. I am excited to implement new ways to keep our guards trained and ready for any situation that may arise.
Everyone entering the pool must be a member and have their pass with them while they are at the pool. You are allowed to bring a guest for $5 per guest which includes access to our pool and amenities for the day. THE GUEST(S) MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE PAYING MEMBER(S) WHILE PRESENT.
If you want to reserve a date for a pool party, email your preferred date, time and number of party guests to: wildwoodpoolmanager@gmail.com
The pool manager will get back with you to let you know if that date is available and get you on the calendar. |
Welcome to the 2020 season! .
To guarantee your place at the pool it will be necessary for active members (those who were members last year) to have your dues paid on or before May 1, 2020. After that date, membership will be opened to individuals on the waiting list.
Dues for 2020 are as follows:
* Family Membership: $450 (with a minimum of 4 passes)
* Senior Membership: $350 (60+) (2 passes with 2 guest passes)
* Single Membership: $250 (no additional passes) Only 20 available!
* WARA Stock: $300 per share
* Permanent Guest Pass: $150
* Stock Transfer Fee: $50 _____________________________________________________________________
There are two ways to pay your membership:
1) Go to www.wildwoodpoolva.com and click on the membership tab where you will be guided to pay via PayPal. This is the fastest and most convenient way to pay.
2) Or you can send a check made payable to WARA
Keith Weisenstein
1119 Random Way
Forest, VA 24551
The annual membership dues cover all eligible family members. A "family" is defined as those individuals related by blood, marriage, or through legal guardianship and living in the same house. As in the past, a family membership will include a minimum of four passes. Senior stock members will receive a MAXIMUM of 4 passes. If there are more than 4 family members living in the household, the family stock membership must be paid.
All dues MUST be paid in full prior to using any of the amenities. Membership packets containing pool badges & pool rules will be available for pick-up at the pool during opening weekend or anytime after that. Packets will not be mailed. MEMBERSHIP FAQ Q. How will the 2020 waiting list work? A. Returning 2020 stock members can join anytime before May 1, 2020. After that date, families on the waiting list will be offered memberships until we reach capacity. There are over 50 families on the waiting list and growing every day. Historically, 25 to 35 families leave each year for various reasons, so there is a chance that some people on the waiting list may not get in this year. Q. I own stock and haven't been a member for a few years. I can join anytime right? A. Unfortunately, no. Your stock membership is considered inactive and you must request to be placed on the waiting list. Note that inactive stock members are given priority over prospective new members. According to the by-laws, priority among inactive stock members is based on the period of time for which the member has been waiting to become active, so the member with the most seniority on the waiting list has first preference. After all of the inactive stock members have been offered a membership, we will welcome new members until capacity is reached. At that time, membership will be closed to everyone, including stockholders. Q. How do I become a stock member? A. There are two ways: 1) you can purchase stock directly from WARA or 2) you can purchase stock from a WARA stockholder. If you buy stock from WARA, there is a one-time fee of $300, which can be split over two years. If you purchase stock from a stockholder, it is considered a private transfer and WARA does not take part in the negotiations. Once the transfer is made, the old stock certificate should be sent to Keith and he will issue a new stock certificate in the buyer's name(s). There is a $50 transfer fee for this service. Important note: The purchaser in a private transaction assumes the stockholder status of the seller, i.e. if the seller was active in 2019, then the purchaser steps into his shoes in 2020 and bypasses the waiting list. There is still a $50 stock transfer fee.
The Snack Bar is looking forward to serving everyone again this summer! If you have any items you would like to see on the menu please send me an email and I will do my best to have it available.
Anne's Email Address is: adrewry@verizon.net
Monday - Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 pm
Sunday: 12:00 noon - 8:00 pm
Monday - Saturday: 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 pm
Sunday: 12:00 noon - 7:00 pm
We are seeking members who would be willing to help with activities. If interested, please email
Activities and dates are subject to change and will be updated on our website.
Mon, April 27
Swim Team Signups (Sweet Frog in Forest, VA)
6 pm - 9 pm
Mon, May 1
Sat, May 2
Pool Clean Up Day (Earn 5 Free Guest Passes) |
Wed, May 6
Swim Team Signups (Sweet Frog in Forest, VA)
8 am - Noon
Sat, May 9
Pool Clean Up Day (Earn Free Guest Passes)
Fri, May 22
Adult Wine & Beer Social (Adults Only)
6 pm - 8 pm
Sat, May 23
Pool Opens Full Time
10 am - 8 pm |
Sun, May 24
Opening Cookout
5 pm - 7 pm
Sat, June 6
Family Fishing Day (at the Dam)
9 am - Noon
Sun, June 7
Sunday Funday
12 noon - 4 pm
Mon, June 8 |
Swim Meet Away at Vista Acres |
Pool Closes at 4 pm |
Sat, June 13 |
Moonlight Swim
Open til 11 pm |
Mon, June 15 |
Swim Meet at WARA vs Oakwood |
Pool Closes at 4 pm |
Mon, June 22 |
Swim Meet Away at Bedford YMCA (Pool closes at 4 pm) |
Sat, June 27 |
Steak and Bake for Adults
(Pool closes at 4 pm)
6 pm - 10 pm |
Mon, June 29 |
Swim Meet at WARA vs. Winton Country Club |
Pool Closes at 4 pm |
Sat, July 4
4th of July Celebration
11 an - 3 pm |
Mon, July 6 |
Swim Meet at WARA vs. Hill City |
Pool Closes at 4 pm |
Mon, July 13 |
Swim Meet away at Forest Lakes (FAST) |
Sat, July 18
"B" Meet at Bedford YMCA
Sat, July 25 |
"A" Meet at Wildwood Pool MOONLIGHT SWIM |
Pool Closed 6-11 pm
Sat, Aug 8
Mexican Fiesta (5:00 pm) and Moonlight Swim
Open til 11 pm
Sun, Aug 23 |
Sunday Funday
12 n - 4 pm |
Mon, Sept. 7
Pool Closes for the Year
5 pm
- Pool (open Memorial weekend thru Labor Day weekend)
- Full Size Sand Volleyball Court
- Basketball Court
- Cornhole
- Fishing on three lakes
- Snack Bar
- 4 Square
- Children's Playground
- Gas BBQ (gas tank available for $5 rental charge)
- Moonlight Swims
- Events
- Pool Rental for birthday and family parties
- Covered area for parties, picnics
- Gazebo

We encourage members to utilize the swim team for swimming lessons. If you are desiring private lessons, please check with our pool manager.
SWIM TEAM NEWS Abby Wilson, Swim Team President |
Hello Wildwood Family and Friends!
The 2020 summer swim season is just around the corner, and we'd love to have you be part of the Wildwood Stingrays Swim Team! Not only do we swim competitively as part of the Lynchburg Aquatic League (LAL), we also have lots of FUN! Our more relaxed environment fosters friendship among the swimmers and the families. No previous swim experience is needed as our coaching staff loves to teach kids to swim!
Our swimmers range in age from 5-18 years old. The season consists of 6 dual meets, on Monday nights, ending the season with our "B" & "A" championship meets. While we are a competitive team, we achieve success in a relaxed, fun-spirited and supportive atmosphere. We do offer a training team for younger or less experienced swimmers who are new to competitive swimming.
Our regular swim team practices daily Monday through Friday, and we hope to again offer additional stroke clinics throughout the summer (morning and evening times are available most days).
Heath Grishaw, head coach at Liberty University, will be returning as Head Coach again this year. Assistant Coach Dan Flittner will be returning this year also. Dan is a junior at Liberty University studying Sales and Marketing. He also swims for Liberty and specializes in the 50 free and 100 free. In his free time, he loves playing soccer or other sports, watching movies, reading, listening to music, backpacking and spending time with his teammates and friends.
Ashley Sennett will be our new Assistant Coach joining us. Ashley is a sophomore at Liberty University studying Exercise Science with a focus in therapeutics. She grew up in Lynchburg and has been swimming for 12 years. Her favorite strokes are free and back. She loves cookie dough ice cream.
Matthew Davidson will be another Assistant Coach joining us this year. Matthew began swimming competitively for LY when he was 6-years old and began swimming for Wildwood at age 7. He is a 4-time state champion for Jefferson Forest High School. While at Jefferson Forest, Matthew also received 8 All-State honors, 2 All-American honors, and was a top-8 finalist for the Virginia Sports Hall of Fame Student Athlete of the Year. He was a multiple-time finalist at YMCA Short Course and Long Course National Championships. He has also competed in the Speedo Junior National Championships and the Toyota U.S. Open National Championships. Matthew is currently swimming for Liberty University and is an Exercise Science major. He is so excited to be coaching for the Stingrays this year!
We are looking forward to a great year with these great coaches on our team!
We will be holding swim team sign-ups and fundraiser for swim team on April 27 and May 6 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm at Sweet Frog in Forest. This is a great way to meet the coaches and board members. On these two sign up days this will be the only nights to try bathing suits on and order. This year we will also be able to take cards with our new square. If you are thinking of joining or want to see what our swim team is all about, we can't wait to meet you so come on out to Sweet Frog in Forest!
If you have questions, please contact me: Wildwood Swim Team Board stingraysww@gmail.com
TRAINING TEAM We also have a wonderful opportunity for younger children who might not be ready for the swim team but would like to work on their stroke technique and become more proficient in the water. The training team is a 6 week program, 3 days a week, where children get stroke instruction from experienced coaches. It is a fun atmosphere and provides an excellent chance for younger children to be part of the team without competing in the swim meets.
2020 SWIM TEAM MEET SCHEDULE Wildwood Pool will close at 4:30 pm for home swim meets.
Jun 8 - Away at Vista Acres Jun 15 - Home vs. Oakwood Country Club Jun 22 - Away at Bedford YMCA Jun 29 - Home vs. Winton Country Club Jul 6 - Home vs. Hill City Jul 13 - Away at Forest Lakes Pool (FAST)
July 18 - "B" Meet Championship at Bedford YMCA July 25 - "A" Meet Championship at Wildwood Area Recreation Association
We have set up a Facebook and Twitter account. Like us on Facebook. Click on the link to the left to access our Facebook page.
Find us on Twitter at wildwoodpool1.
Our website is www.wildwoodpoolva.com. Click here for our by-laws, pool rules, forms, payment information, swim team information and more. |
The Lake Forest Garden Club is looking for individuals interested in joining their club. If you are interested, please contact Barbara Coleman at 434-534-9613 or email her at monnieandbarb@verizon.net. |